
Myth, Obelix's pal

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Astérix
German name : Asterix
Dutch name : Asterix
Spanish name : Astérix
Italian name : Asterix
Portugese name : Astérix

Although he does not have the impressive muscle-bound physique of the heroes Albert Uderzo drew at first, Asterix is the only anti-hero to boast such a collection of success stories and heroic feats.

Throughout his adventures, where his legendary wile and the precious magic potion concocted by the druid Getafix allow him to escape from the direst situations, often covered with glory, Asterix has made off with Caesar's laurel crown, won a gold metal at the Olympic Games (without the benefit of the magic potion, if you please!) and completed with honours the 12 tasks as decreed by Caesar one day when he was foolish enough to risk a bet with our incorrigible Gauls.

Thanks to our hero, the Britons discovered tea and the Belgians were inspired to make French fries! As for the Asterix comic book series, it has been the sensation of the publishing world for over 45 years while the character Asterix has become a mythical figure, a symbol throughout the world for all who resist the influence of Empires trying to impose their will and law on others. René Goscinny explained that his hero's name, with its initial «A», was a clear advantage with regard to alphabetic classification in any future comic book encyclopaedia, but did he ever imagine that his tiny Gaul would also change comic book history?

And what more can be said about the success of Asterix in the film industry? Despite all his success, Asterix has remained down to earth and all he needs to keep him (and his readers) happy is the chance to ridicule the Romans and savour a delicious banquet with his friends.



Although he does not have the impressive muscle-bound physique of the heroes Albert Uderzo drew at first, Asterix is the only anti-hero to boast such a collection of success stories and heroic feats.

Throughout his adventures, where his legendary wile and the precious magic potion concocted by the druid Getafix allow him to escape from the direst situations, often covered with glory, Asterix has made off with Caesar's laurel crown, won a gold metal at the Olympic Games (without the benefit of the magic potion, if you please!) and completed with honours the 12 tasks as decreed by Caesar one day when he was foolish enough to risk a bet with our incorrigible Gauls.

Thanks to our hero, the Britons discovered tea and the Belgians were inspired to make French fries! As for the Asterix comic book series, it has been the sensation of the publishing world for over 45 years while the character Asterix has become a mythical figure, a symbol throughout the world for all who resist the influence of Empires trying to impose their will and law on others. René Goscinny explained that his hero's name, with its initial «A», was a clear advantage with regard to alphabetic classification in any future comic book encyclopaedia, but did he ever imagine that his tiny Gaul would also change comic book history?

And what more can be said about the success of Asterix in the film industry? Despite all his success, Asterix has remained down to earth and all he needs to keep him (and his readers) happy is the chance to ridicule the Romans and savour a delicious banquet with his friends.






Asterix’s pal: not fat (he’s got a powerful physique, that’s all), he fell into a cauldron of magic potion when he was a little boy.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Obélix
German name : Obelix
Dutch name : Obelix
Spanish name : Obelix
Italian name : Obelix
Portugese name : Obélix

Determined to make Asterix an anti-hero flying in the face of the established order of the world of comic books, René Goscinny certainly did not want to give his main character a sidekick who would play the classic role of stooge. But Albert Uderzo, somewhat frustrated at not having made Asterix a beefy Gaul like he dreamed, could not resist placing at his side a big strong warrior, more akin to the impressive muscle-bound characters he already excelled at drawing.

Although he had only a minor role in the first adventure, Obelix quickly became an essential character that his authors developed as they went along. He is actually the readers’ favourite hero: all opinion polls place Obelix at the top of the list of favourite village characters. One survey among young adolescent girls even made Obelix out to be the “sexiest” character amongst the Gauls!

In the adventures penned by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo, we find him by turns easily offended (who’s fat?), sensitive (we have seen him cry at a romantic happy ending), and definitely a glutton. An overgrown child who grew up too quickly and who is not yet aware of his own strength (in his defence, it must be said that not everyone falls in a cauldron of magic potion when he’s a little boy!), Obelix is an inexhaustible source of gags.

An eternal klutz, he is irresistible, whether he is fighting, falling in love (which happens often!), finally catching on to something long after the others, or when he overdoes it on the alcoholic drinks (“Zigackly!”)… As far as he is concerned, it is always playtime (well, at least once snack time is finished!), and nothing really matters, because it’s all the others who are crazy. Does the magic potion bless people with the innocence of childhood? It’s not certain that the Romans see things this way…




Environmental protection agent and guide in the pyramids.

Citizenship : Gaulish dog

French name : Idéfix
German name : Idefix
Dutch name : Idefix
Spanish name : Ideafix
Italian name : Idefix
Portugese name : Ideiafix

How life has treated Dogmatix! Nothing more than “a small mutt” in the script for Asterix and the Banquet, he made his beginning in a brief appearance at the door of a butcher’s shop in Lutece. Based on René Goscinny’s script notes, Albert Uderzo first talked it over with his friend before slipping the little dog from Lutece into later scenes in the album. This is why Dogmatix does not play a direct part in the adventure.

Only the very last sketch shows Obelix bending down to the little dog as if to welcome him to the village. Since then, not only has Dogmatix made many appearances (and several puppies as in Asterix and the Actress), he has also taken on a full-fledged role in the series. He owes his name to a contest in the magazine Pilote (chosen by the authors from among suggestions such as “Patracourcix” or “Papeurdurix” ), Dogmatix plays an important part starting with Asterix and Cleopatra, infallible sixth sense allows him to save our heroes from certain death in a pyramid (true, there are worse places to be entombed, but nonetheless!).

He later becomes famous for his environmental concerns which are very much ahead of their time (he can’t bear the thought of anyone harming a tree). In the 1970s, Dogmatix even had his own collection of albums, along with new animal friends to accompany him in his adventures, albums which are highly prized by collectors today. The little Gaulish dog even showed the famous Metro Goldwyn Mayer lion a thing or two by barking as part of the logo for Dogmatix Studios, a company created by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo for their animated film “The Twelve Tasks of Asterix”.

And his success seems to know no bounds since Albert Uderzo, who has never disguised his pleasure in drawing Dogmatix, has given him a regular role in the albums for which he writes the scripts. Much to Asterix’s surprise, he even gave Dogmatix the gift of speech in the 2003 story Chanticleerix, which can be found today in the Asterix and the Class Act album.



An unknown wine merchant

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Saingésix
German name : Saingesix
Dutch name : Bordorix
Spanish name : Saingésix
Italian name : Sanix
Portugese name : Saingesix

Even for the most savvy Asterix fans, Alcoholix is an impenetrable mystery. What is he like? What is the pun behind his original name in French, Saingésix?

You can quit searching - it's a private joke for Albert Uderzo, who put this name on the sign of an Aquitanian wine merchant in the streets of Lutetia. It turns out to be a nod to an acquaintance of the Asterix artist, a wine dealer named Saintgès.

This impenetrable word play has played havoc with Asterix translators: some have improvised by creating a local pun, others have left the name as is, thereby giving international notoriety to Saintgès, instead of shedding light on the mystery. And then there was the Castillian translator, who solved the problem by removing all references to the sign!




Unhygienix is the village fishmonger, as was his father Unhealthix before him (as seen in Asterix and the Class Act). His fish do not come from the sea near the village even though he has a fishing boat; instead they are transported all the way from Lutetia (and from Massilia in the German translations) as he believes they are of finer quality. He does not notice their smell, but most of the other villagers do and a lot of fights are caused by his stale fish, as when the blacksmith Fulliautomatix says: "Anyway, it [the fight] wouldn't have happened if they [the fish] were fresh!" and then Unhygenix slaps him with his fish. He regularly has fights about his fish with his friend Fulliautomatix, the village blacksmith, which often escalate to involve most of the village. Fulliautomatix says the fish are stale, Unhygienix throws a fish at him, he throws it back, it hits someone else, etc., and the whole village gets into a fight. This rivalry is a family tradition — their fathers also fought, and their children are continuing it. Despite this, his catch phrase is a scream to his wife, "Bacteria! Get the fish inside!" or "Save the sales!", in fights on the village he doesn't want to enter (i.e. fights that are not about his fish), when villagers buy or steal his fish to fight with.



Teacher of «modern» languages (especially Latin!).

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Berlix
German name : Berlix
Dutch name : Berlix
Spanish name : Berlix

In the Gaulish village of Linoleum led by Cassius Ceramix, a chief both brutal and idiotic, the most absurd demonstrations of «romanness» are on the agenda!

Even children are not spared from his zealous submission to Julius Caesar's armies: in his classroom, Berlix, a renowned teacher of «modern» languages, teaches them every single Latin declension so as to turn them into perfect little «Gallo-Romans». And judging from the little Prawnsinaspix, who stands with his right arm raised as if responding to the «Ave» issued by the legionary who has just entered the classroom, one might think that Cassius Ceramix's propaganda has had its effect.

Thankfully, Asterix's authors have a secret joke in store for us: Prawnsinaspix doesn't want to salute the Roman, but has raised his arm to ask to leave the room as he's suffering from something a lot more urgent than any Roman ideology!


Psychoanalytix's assistant

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Boufiltre
German name : Gibtermine
Dutch name : Boelimia
Spanish name : Boufiltre

Psychoanalytix's assistant, the sublime Miss Bicarbonatofsoda, is an expert in moral and psychological suffering, Lord knows she sees enough of them! Greeting patients in her role as the renowned therapist's receptionist, she ends up seeing some of the most difficult cases.

She must therefore reassure the patient who has a morbid fear of the sky falling on his head, who refuses to go anywhere without cowering under a shield, or the man who thinks he's a wild boar and who bothers the other patients with his sudden oinking (also stimulating Obelix's appetite since he can't hold out against the sound of a wild boar without thinking of a barbecue …).

It has to be said that Psychoanalytix's surgery is a very lively place and that for Miss Bicarbonatofsoda some cases can become more problematic once they've been solved… Such as when Psychoanalytix demonstrates his talent by successfully healing the shy Barbarian who, once healed, wants to «catch up with his work», knocking out all the sick patients sitting in the «waiting glade»!

Thankfully, Miss Bicarbonateofsoda is not crazy! She's the true voice of reason in this crazy pantomime, retaining her unflappable calm, and conscientiously recording appointment times and Psychoanalytix's recommendations on her portable marble notepad. Thus it is that René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo provide us with irrefutable proof of a famous Gaulish adage: the more crazy, the merrier!



Druid coming into blossom

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Cicatrix
German name : Florix
Dutch name : Potpourrix
Spanish name : Cicatrix
Italian name : Cicatrix
Portugese name : Cicatrix

When the Druids, paragons of Gaulish wisdom, head to the Forest of the Carnutes for their big annual conference, they indulge in games and puns, relishing these days of recreation, far from their respective villages where they have to be on their best behaviour and maintain their irreproachable stature.

Above all, they fight to compete in the Druid of the Year contest where they each present their magic potions. The winner is rewarded the coveted Golden Menhir, a trophy that incites much more interest than the modern day Oscar… or even the Cesar!

As a result, the Druids vie to outdo one another with the best invention: we even were treated to a surprising Gaulish inventors' contest in the album, Asterix and the Goths. That's how we discovered the powder invented by the Druid Prefix that makes it rain (giving the Druid referee a cold) as well as the potion, signed by the ingenious Botanix, that makes beautiful flowers grow in the blink of an eye, no matter what the season. Even more impressive, Suffix reduces soups and pots into powders so they can be transported more easily!

But when Getafix shows that one gulp of his magic potion can make even a «feeble Druid» strong enough to uproot a tree effortlessly, the assembly of wise men is unanimous: Getafix walks away with the title of Druid of the Year!


Bard, school teacher and scapegoat.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Assurancetourix
German name : Troubadix
Dutch name : Kakofonix
Spanish name : Asurancetúrix
Italian name : Assurancetourix
Portugese name : Cacofonix

World-renowned poet and bard (if not exactly appreciated…) and respected school teacher, Cacofonix is an important figure in the village (he is thus a member of the Council that sends Asterix into exile in Asterix and the Cauldron). However, as the eternal butt of the villagers’ jokes, Cacofonix lives on the fringe, in a hut built at the top of a tree.

An extraordinary character, Cacofonix offers a perfect weather vane for taking the pulse of the village and seeing which way the wind blows. We are not talking here about the rain he brings on each time exercises his vocal cords, but rather about the prevailing atmosphere in the village: when it is time to party, when wild boar are roasting on the spit, you can be sure to find Cacofonix tied hand and feet with a gag in his mouth. And, if not, you can count on Fulliautomatix to discourage him from singing!

On the other hand, just looking at the unforgettable scene where he sits at a deserted banquet table in Asterix and the Roman Agent is enough to make us understand that the village is experiencing its darkest hours. In fact, sociologists will tell you, Cacofonix is the perfect scapegoat, the person who ensures the well-being of the village by drawing everyone’s anger and frustration like a magnet. Now all that needs to be done is to convince Fulliautomatix …

Here in the village, we are halfway tempted to found a Bard Abuse and Mistreatment group - with an acronym like that (BAM), we're off to a good start, don't you think? It sounds a bit like, well, a hammer, doesn't it?

Cassius Ceramix

The «Gallo-Roman» leader who dares to challenge Vitalstatistix in a now legendary duel between chiefs

Citizenship : Gallo-Roman

French name : Aplusbégalix
German name : Augenblix
Dutch name : Nogalfix
Spanish name : Prorromanix
Portugese name : Amaisbêigualaix

Cassius Ceramix, an odious «Gallo-Roman» chief, who can be placated by two sestertii and the incarnation of all sycophants when faced with an invader («Rome, sweet Rome!»), is a cocktail of foolishness, ambition and cowardice whom Asterix's authors have made the butt of all jokes.

But he's certainly a sight to behold, such was the talent of Albert Uderzo in sketching this hideous, stupid and nasty character: with his sporadic, scruffy body hair, enormous limbs and chin, and his hilarious moronic expression, this mountain of muscles ranks highly among the most expressive creations by the Asterix cartoonist!

Never slow to demonstrate his ardent «Romanness» («Aqueducts are more Roman!», he declares) with his togas and «Ave»s, the very hypocritical Ceramix dreams of becoming the sole chief of Gaul. Abetted by the Romans Felonious Caucus and Nebulus Nimbus, he declares a «big fight» to seize control of the «Crazy Gauls' village» whilst they are perilously deprived of the magic potion.

But he doesn't count on our heroes, and Ceramix suddenly becomes more conciliatory after being struck first by a raging Vitalstatistix and then by a menhir hurled by Obelix… And Ceramix proves, reduction ad absurdum, that René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo have made their allegiance clear: they're with the Indomitables in their fight against foolishness and mediocrity!

César Drinklikafix

César from the south of France, inn landlord and scourge of those crazy Romans!

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : César Labeldecadix
German name : Cäsar Kneipix
Dutch name : César Grandprix
Spanish name : Cesar Labeldecadix
Italian name : Cesar Labelladecadix
Portugese name : César Labeldecadix

The advantage of being a comic-book author is that you can cast your dream actors. That's why caricatures of famous actors sketched by Albert Uderzo's expert nib regularly bring a hint of the silver screen to Asterix (Jean Marais, Lino Ventura, Charles Laughton and, more recently Kirk Douglas and Arnold Schwarzenegger…).

In Asterix and the Banquet, César Drinklikafix, an inn landlord, borrows the features of legendary French actor Raimu, and takes up things where Marcel Pagnol's scripts left off, re-enacting the card game from the film Marius and the equally legendary bowls game from Fanny.

Thanks to his loquaciousness and a fearsome grandiloquence, César Drinklikafix frightens a whole Roman garrison on his own, allowing Asterix and Obelix to leave Massilia without any hold-ups, equipped with a takeaway fish stew prepared by Hydrophobia, the wife of this Mediterranean César. This exploit earned him a place among guests at the big banquet for the anniversary of the battle of Gergovia in Asterix in Corsica.


Gaulish Rooster

Citizenship : Gaulish Rooster

French name : Chanteclairix
German name : Kokolorix
Dutch name : Canteclairix
Spanish name : Quiriquix

Thanks to the ringing crow of «Cock-doodle-doo!!!» to be found in many of the Asterix album pages, the Village rooster is the series’ major animal star – except for Dogmatix (and the boars, of course!). As a matter of fact, the rooster receives a well-earned special tribute when Albert Uderzo dedicates a story to him in Asterix and the Class Act. .

Chanticleerix – the name of this proud rooster - successfully confronts the imposing imperial eagle, full of its alleged Roman superiority. Even though the deck first seems to be stacked against it, the Gaulish rooster manages to win the fight, thanks to the help of Dogmatix... and a bit of magic potion. Let it be known: the Village animals are also indomitable fighters!


A truant with Toutatis at his heels

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Lentix
German name : Stupidix
Dutch name : Fitnix
Spanish name : Lentix
Italian name : Lentix
Portugese name : Lentix

Is Lutetia burning? The golden sickle makers have gone missing, prices are sky-rocketing, the air is foul and the traffic jams (which we later learned were known as «amphora-necks»!) are provoking a torrent of invective and insults among the chariot drivers in the streets of the city of lights.

Asterix and Obelix, in search of a golden sickle for Getafix, think that Clovogarlix could be the seller they are looking for. Big mistake!

Clovogarlix is an incorrigible rogue who is fully prepared to diddle our indomitable Gauls! Indeed, after introducing us to the stupid and mean Roman hierarchy in Asterix the Gaul, the Asterix authors offered up another brand of bad guys in Asterix and the Golden Sickle, the first in a long series of undesirable, treacherous, thieving Gauls. If anyone still had any doubts, they will see that not all the Gauls were as indomitable as our heroes in 50 BC!

Some, motivated by gain, dealt with the Roman occupiers by unsavoury trafficking. Such was the case of Clovogarlix, who oversaw a lucrative trade in golden sickles under the protection of his boss, Navishtrix, with the tacit approval of Surplus Dairiprodus, the prefect of Lutetia.

After learning that the two Gauls were searching for Metallurgix, the cousin of Obelix who was a well-known maker of golden sickles that he kidnapped in order to bring up the prices in his illicit trade, Clovogarlix smelled a good deal and followed our heroes through the streets of Lutetia to try to sell them a sickle for an outrageous price.

After being on the receiving end of a few good blows, delivered by Obelix, who was in top form, he cooled his enthusiasm, and Clovogarlix ran away as if, in the words of Asterix, «Toutatis himself were after him» Then, all our heroes had to do was free Metallurgix and finish the job of crushing the trafficking ring.



A fishfaced traitor who will send you fishtailing

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Acidenitrix
German name : Greulix
Dutch name : Arsenicummix
Spanish name : Acidonítrix
Italian name : Acidonitrix
Portugese name : Acidonitrix

It’s no news that any discussion about the, err, merits of the fish sold by Unhygienix will set off a major brawl in our favourite Gaul village.

Perhaps it is this inevitable Gallic axiom that inspired Albert Uderzo to create one of the most famous, and most despicable, bad guys in the world of Asterix. The horrid Codfix, with a head like a pickled herring and his noxious body odour, matches the other heavy, Tortuous Convolvulus, in sowing discord wherever he goes.

Using this scenario as an added pretext for a fish fight, Albert Uderzo treats us to an Asterix album outside the village, while respecting all the traditional themes invented with his friend René Goscinny that made Asterix a success. A masterpiece!


An informed music lover concerned with protecting his friends’ hearing and a fish hygiene expert

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Cétautomatix
German name : Automatix
Dutch name : Hoefnix
Spanish name : Esautomatix
Italian name : Automatix
Portugese name : Éautomatix

Ever since he first appeared in Asterix the Gaul, to the astonishment of “Caliguliminix” who finds him forging metal with his bare hands, Fulliautomatix has changed his look dramatically, changing from a plump blond Gallic look to a more haughty bearing that he proudly drapes with his legendary leather apron. More than any other character, he demonstrates the perfectionism of Albert Uderzo, who is constantly improving and refining the drawings of his characters.

But when it comes to personality, Fulliautomatix has remained true to himself, a thick-skinned brute who carefully conceals any finer qualities and whose only method of communication is by hitting out either physically or verbally at everything around. To be sure, his actions, and the motions that Albert Uderzo often sketches for his right arm, can make him seem like a machine with no purpose other than hammering. But his words, and unhelpful criticism, also relentlessly pound Cacofonix (“No, you will not sing!”), Geriatrix (“You old relic!”) and, of course, Unhygienix and the fish he brings from Lutetia.

Most importantly, he is always the one to warn his friends about the dubious freshness of the fish sold by the vendor across the street. It’s a good bet that the authors were inspired by the American Western movie cult of the fifties they so admire for the festive atmosphere of the village brawls set off by Fulliautomatix!


The Oldest Member of the Village.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Agecanonix
German name : Methusalix
Dutch name : Nestorix
Spanish name : Edadepiédrix
Italian name : Matusalemix
Portugese name : Decanonix

Geriatrix, the oldest member of the tribe, is living proof of the magic potion’s power to preserve! Already an old timer in “The Birth of Asterix”, this 93-year old man from Gergovia (52 B.C.) is as sprightly as they come. You only have to see him chasing skirts in Asterix at the Olympic Games or clamouring without rhyme or reason expressions like “want a poke up your hooter?” or “you know what the old relic says to you ?!?”.

We have to say though, after the appearance of his wife (never given a name by the authors of Asterix) in Asterix and the Roman Agent, our hearty ancestor has become a faithful and devoted husband, not hesitating to roll up his sleeves and tackle the household chores while Madame tends to the tasks of a modern Gaulish woman.

Under the influence of his wife, who worships him to no end, he even aspires to higher things, imagining himself as village chief in the place of Vitalstatistix in Asterix and Caesar’s gift. This just goes to show how love can change you no matter how old you are!


Druid, inventor of all types of potions and fountain of Gaulish wisdom.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Panoramix
German name : Miraculix
Dutch name : Panoramix
Spanish name : Panoramix
Italian name : Panoramix
Portugese name : Panoramix

In a village like that of Asterix, where people are all kids at heart who think only of lazing around, feasting or fighting, there was an obvious need for a father figure, an acknowledged wise man who could keep the community from sinking into joyful but total anarchy.

This role quite naturally falls to Getafix, the venerable druid of the village, fountain of knowledge, as well as creator and keeper of the secret magic potion (making him the star of all the yearly gatherings of druids in the forest of Carnutes).

A clear foe of the brute force deployed so unilaterally by the stupidly authoritarian Roman Empire, Getafix stands surety for another concept of order, based on much more humanist values. He thus refuses to dole out any magic potion during quarrels between Gauls, willingly offers assistance to a Roman in distress, and, under the watchful eye of the ecologically-minded Dogmatix, helps preserve the forest surrounding the village (yes, he also invented magic potions for that! See The Mansion of the Gods).

We have to admit that his methods are a roaring success: while the Roman hierarchy quickly crumbles under the hefty blows of Obelix, Getafix is the only one who can make the famous menhir deliverer see reason. And how many people do you know who would dare to say firmly to Obelix: “No, Obelix, not you!” when he insists on having a portion of the magic potion?


Wife of César Drinklikafix and admirer of Obelix's curves

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Eponine
German name : Minna
Dutch name : Anorexia
Spanish name : Eponine
Italian name : Eponina
Portugese name : Eponina

Hydrophobia is a peerless tradeswoman who makes full use of the oratory skills of the Massilian inhabitants to make your mouth water at her freshly-caught sea urchins and her exquisite scorpion fish. Wife of César Drinklikafix, an inn landlord, she lovingly cooks a takeaway fish stew for Asterix and Obelix, while her husband retains the Romans by promising them «bloodshed» should they dare interrupt a game of bowls - a moment worthy of the finest films of Marcel Pagnol!

Regularly teased in Asterix and the Banquet for a chubbiness which has to be taken in context (everyone knows that he's just well built), and which remains a sore point for our hero, Obelix can't help but blush when the plump trader Hydrophobia compliments him on his pleasant fullness of figure.

A first in the Adventures of Asterix: preceding Panacea, Zaza, and the torrid nomadic dancer from Hispania, this is the start of a beautiful relationship between Obelix and the fairer sex!


Gaulish Restaurateur in Rome who dreams of owning a Roman restaurant in Gaul!

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Plaintcontrix
German name : Plaintcontrix
Dutch name : Zwezerix
Spanish name : Jabalix
Italian name : Querelcontrix
Portugese name : Plaintcontrix

In Asterix the Gladiator, Instantmix, the Gaulish restaurateur in Rome is Obelix's official supplier of wild boar, which are devoured without the slightest attention to the secret messages slipped in by the host. With a character like Instantmix, the authors of Asterix showed that they had definitely found their voice in their fourth album.

Gastronomy plays a major role in this album (between the refined dishes of Caius Fatuous and Obelix's wild boars, everything is covered), the social satire reaches cruising speed as we see in the hilarious slice of life shown by the quarreling neighbors in the Greater Latin Council (complete with every modern comfort including cubiculum, kitchen and triclinium) where Instantmix lives.

Not to mention the Pirates, who make their first appearance in this adventure, already meriting two memorable beatings! Instantmix makes a notable comeback to Asterix's Village in Asterix in Corsica, where he surprisingly declares that he has traveled all the way from Rome so he can hear Cacofonix sing once again !


Clandestine chief of the village of Lugdunum

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Beaufix
German name : Schönfix
Dutch name : Jansix
Spanish name : Pépix
Italian name : Figliastrix
Portugese name : Beaufix

It is possible to go without Getafix's magic potion and still demonstrate a heroic resistance to the Roman invader. Jellibabix, the brave Gaul our heroes meet in Asterix and the Banquet, is proof of this!

Clandestine chief of the town of Lugdunum (Lyon, a Resistance town if ever there was one), he gives his ever so precious help to the two brothers-in-arms Asterix and Obelix as they try to escape the Roman garrisons of the Prefect Poisonus Fungus. Crafty Jellibabix uses the maze made up by the alleys in the centre of Lugdunum to lose the Romans, who get lost in the labyrinth, much to their displeasure. And to help our two heroes win their incredible bet with Overanxious, Jellibabix takes care of everything and gives our Gauls sausage and meat-balls, local specialities from a town famed worldwide for its gastronomy.

All of which means that Jellibabix is entirely deserving of his place among the guests at the prestigious banquet organised by the Indomitable Gauls to celebrate the anniversary of the victory of Gergovia, in the album Asterix in Corsica.


Famous sickle maker, cousin and spitting image of Obelix - in a small, thin and feeble version!

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Amérix
German name : Talentix
Dutch name : Amerix
Spanish name : Amerix
Italian name : Amerix
Portugese name : Amerix

Like a miniature reproduction of Obelix, his distant cousin Amerix, who is scrawny and small, is the most famous maker of golden sickles in Lutetia. In fact, Getafix won't go gathering mistletoe anymore if not with a sickle signed by Amerix!

As a result, Obelix' cousin is worth his weight in gold, which arouses envy all around and gets him captured by racketeer Navishtrix, the thug who organizes heavy trafficking in golden sickles right under the shadow of Surplus Dairiprodus. Fortunately, thanks to Asterix and Obelix, Amerix can enjoy freedom again, along with a menhir offered by his cousin.

Remember that it's Amerix who gave our heroes the chance to have their first trip outside the village, and that Obelix, who goes along with Asterix throughout the album for the first time, takes an active part in the intrigue. A few albums later, our favorite anti-hero Obelix had racked up so many heroic deeds against the invading Romans that nobody would even think of calling Amerix the «big success in the family»!


Trendy young Gaul

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Goudurix
German name : Grautvornix
Dutch name : Hippix
Spanish name : Gudurix
Portugese name : Atrevidix

The young nephew of Chief Vitalstatistix, an enthusiast of swift chariots made in Mediolanum (Milan) and a big fan of the boisterous music of the catacombs of Lutetia, Justforkix is sent by his father to the Village to learn how to become a true Gaulish warrior.

Asterix and Obelix are responsible for his training, but have to contend with the terrible Normans who see in him an « expert on fear » who will lend them wings!


Golden sickle trafficker

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Avoranfix
German name : Bossix
Dutch name : Paralympix
Spanish name : Gangstérix
Italian name : Avorangofix
Portugese name : Avoranfix

Navishtrix has the looks and modus operandi of a «Godfather» from the Lutetia racketeers in The Golden Sickle.

As the proprietor of a fifties (that is, 50s BC) night club, where guests listen to Rock 'n Roll bards, leaving their menhirs at the coat-check for two bronze coins, he has set up a traffic in golden sickles on behalf of the crooked Prefect, Surplus Dairiprodus.

Responsible for the kidnapping of Metallurgix, he is not above threatening violent revenge on the poor innkeeper of the «Merry Arvenian,» who was unfortunate enough to witness the crime.

But even though this hood uses terror to keep people away from his fetish dolmen, where he has a large cache of golden sickles waiting to be sold at black market prices, he suddenly loses some of his stuffing when Obelix gives him a big black eye! Stunning, isn't it?


Fledgling hunter of young wild boars

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Keskonrix
German name : Keskonrix
Dutch name : Nognix
Spanish name : Codornix
Italian name : Keskonrix
Portugese name : Keskonrix

An angelic little blonde from the Crazy Gaul's Village, young Picanmix helplessly witnesses the Roman capture of Cacofonix in Asterix the Gladiator. Although armed with a bow and a quiver full of arrows, not something you see every day among our Gauls, young Picanmix, aware of the risk he would run by mounting a solo attack on the Romans without magic potion, darts off to warn Asterix of the Romans' latest misdeed.

After a moment's surprise at the Romans' interest in their bard's talents, the furious Gauls carry out a punitive expedition to the camp of Compendium, before a long journey leads Asterix and Obelix to Rome and its Circus to deliver the bard from the imperial lions' claws.

As for Picanmix, no need to worry about his future as a Gaulish reveller since he was hunting young wild boar when he saw the bard being kidnapped by a Roman patrol - a patrol equipped with parsley in its ears so as to avoid collapsing from the bard's fearsome singing exercises which, according to one of the legionaries, ought to be forbidden by the Helvetia Convention!


Schoolboy given a star for his bursting need to go to the toilet.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Catédralgotix
German name : Cathedralgotix
Dutch name : Elastix
Spanish name : Catedralgotix

In the Gaulish village of Linoleum led by Cassius Ceramix, a chief both brutal and idiotic, the most absurd demonstrations of «romanness» are on the agenda!

Even children are not spared from his zealous submission to Julius Caesar's armies: in his classroom, Berlix, a renowned teacher of «modern» languages, teaches them every single Latin declension so as to turn them into perfect little «Gallo-Romans». And judging from the little Prawnsinaspix, who stands with his right arm raised as if responding to the «Ave» issued by the legionary who has just entered the classroom, one might think that Cassius Ceramix's propaganda has had its effect.

Thankfully, Asterix's authors have a secret joke in store for us: Prawnsinaspix doesn't want to salute the Roman, but has raised his arm to ask to leave the room as he's suffering from something a lot more urgent than any Roman ideology!


Druid and rainmaker

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Préfix
German name : Barometrix
Dutch name : Prefix
Spanish name : Prefix
Italian name : Prefix
Portugese name : Prefix

When the Druids, paragons of Gaulish wisdom, head to the Forest of the Carnutes for their big annual conference, they indulge in games and puns, relishing these days of recreation, far from their respective villages where they have to be on their best behaviour and maintain their irreproachable stature.

Above all, they fight to compete in the Druid of the Year contest where they each present their magic potions. The winner is rewarded the coveted Golden Menhir, a trophy that incites much more interest than the modern day Oscar… or even the Cesar!

As a result, the Druids vie to outdo one another with the best invention: we even were treated to a surprising Gaulish inventors' contest in the album, Asterix and the Goths. That's how we discovered the powder invented by the Druid Prefix that makes it rain (giving the Druid referee a cold) as well as the potion, signed by the ingenious Botanix, that makes beautiful flowers grow in the blink of an eye, no matter what the season. Even more impressive, Suffix reduces soups and pots into powders so they can be transported more easily!

But when Getafix shows that one gulp of his magic potion can make even a «feeble Druid» strong enough to uproot a tree effortlessly, the assembly of wise men is unanimous: Getafix walks away with the title of Druid of the Year!


Expert druid in psychological emergencies and Technicolor specialist.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Amnésix
German name : Amnesix
Dutch name : Amnesix
Spanish name : Amnesix
Italian name : Amnesix
Portugese name : Amnesix

Patients never forget being treated by Psychoanalytix! Ahead of his time by some 2000 years, this trailblazing druid deals with mental disorders on the couch in his hut, seeing patients who have gone out of their minds, or who are suffering from debilitating levels of angst.

His surgery is full of patients who could have just walked off a TV series known sky-high audience ratings thanks to their loony obsessions and their loose screws.

There's a Gaul in a panic about the sky falling on his head, a shy barbarian who couldn't scare a ghost, another Gaul who thinks he's a wild boar, and a wannabe emperor who prefigures Napoleon centuries before his time!So it's only natural that Asterix and Obelix should consult this unconventional druid in an effort to cure Getafix, who has lost his mind after receiving a fearful blow from one of Obelix's menhirs.

Unfortunately, it's the season for raining menhirs, and Psychoanalytix is hit in turn by one of Obelix's projectiles. He will never completely get over this shock which has nothing to do with psychology. In fact, although he once again proves he can cure his dispirited patients, it's not without some bitter «pills to swallow»: his patients may be cured upon leaving his surgery but they all have rather fetching multicoloured skin. But, then again, isn't this what a soul healer is best at: putting a bit of colour back in the cheeks of his patients?


Ship captain who knows music.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Changéledix
German name : Numalfix
Dutch name : Ammenooitnix
Spanish name : Canarix
Italian name : Cambiamusix
Portugese name : Cabeçudix

Seniorservix is the captain of a ship transporting cargos of menhirs from Armorica. Staying with his crew in the port of Burdigala, he gets to know Asterix and Obelix and gives them precious help by taking them to Gesocribatum (Le Conquet), bringing an end to their glorious tour of Gaul.

There's no doubt that our two heroes enjoyed the journey, in particular Obelix who, from the impromptu delivery of over forty menhirs to an unexpected encounter with his pirate «friends», wasn't short of his kind of fun.

Not forgetting the Roman garrison of Le Conquet, a war port teeming with legionnaries serving as a welcome committee, and also as punching-balls, for our Gauls, stuffed full of magic potion. As for Seniorservix, he's warmly thanked for his decisive role in the Gaul's success by being invited to the feast celebrating the victory of Gergovia in Asterix in Corsica.


Druid whose inventions spread like powder in the wind

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Barométrix
German name : Praktifix
Dutch name : Aerobix
Spanish name : Barometrix
Italian name : Barometrix
Portugese name : Barómetrix

When the Druids, paragons of Gaulish wisdom, head to the Forest of the Carnutes for their big annual conference, they indulge in games and puns, relishing these days of recreation, far from their respective villages where they have to be on their best behaviour and maintain their irreproachable stature.

Above all, they fight to compete in the Druid of the Year contest where they each present their magic potions. The winner is rewarded the coveted Golden Menhir, a trophy that incites much more interest than the modern day Oscar… or even the Cesar!

As a result, the Druids vie to outdo one another with the best invention: we even were treated to a surprising Gaulish inventors' contest in the album, Asterix and the Goths. That's how we discovered the powder invented by the Druid Prefix that makes it rain (giving the Druid referee a cold) as well as the potion, signed by the ingenious Botanix, that makes beautiful flowers grow in the blink of an eye, no matter what the season. Even more impressive, Suffix reduces soups and pots into powders so they can be transported more easily!

But when Getafix shows that one gulp of his magic potion can make even a «feeble Druid» strong enough to uproot a tree effortlessly, the assembly of wise men is unanimous: Getafix walks away with the title of Druid of the Year!


Gaulish dancer.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Cétyunix
German name : Denkdirnix
Dutch name : Friekix
Spanish name : Calcomanix
Italian name : Cetyounix
Portugese name : Cetionix

A resident of Asterix’s village, Tenansix only makes an appearance to participate in some Gaulish folk dancing. All the villagers seem so overjoyed at this tradition that they actually urge Cacofonix to join in the festivities. The bard takes advantage of the opportunity to play the violin, which just goes to show how far ahead of his time this misunderstood artist was! It is during the course of this dance, highlighted by a moment when you pull the moustache of the man opposite you, that a suspicious Asterix pulls off the detachable moustache of Caliguliminix and discovers that he is in fact a Roman spy: Caligula Minus!


Name on a shop sign in Massilia

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Maître Panix
German name : Meister Panix
Dutch name : Meester Panix
Spanish name : Panix

The name «Tunafix», which continues the series of sea-related gags (Drinklikafix, Fishfingus, Hydrophobia, etc.) from the Asterix and the Banquet album, appears on the sign of a shop in Massilia (Marseille), a city whose culinary speciality is none other than fish stew.

The original French album displayed a quite different phrase on this same sign: «Master Panix», a cultural reference from French cinema.Essentially, the visit paid by Asterix and Obelix to Massilia on their tour of Gaul gave their creators René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo a dream opportunity to doff their caps to Marcel Pagnol, a French cinematic legend.

The two most southerly-based plates from the world of Asterix are simply stuffed with references to Pagnol's famous trilogy, formed by the films Marius, Fanny and César. It all starts, and rightly so, with Caesar.

Not our dear old friend Jules, for once, but instead César Drinklikafix, whose features bear a striking resemblance to the immense actor Raimu, forever associated with these great classics of French cinema.

Two legendary scenes from these film masterpieces of the 1930s are also reproduced, highlighting Albert Uderzo's talents as a caricaturist: Marius' card game and Fanny's game of bowls.

And for the more attentive, the name of «Master Panix» is displayed above a Massilia shop, no doubt owned by a distant ancestor of the Master Panisse played by Fernand Charpin in Pagnol's films!


A bandit ready to stop at nothing to sell a Gaul for the price of two.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Quatrédeusix
German name : Heuchlerix
Dutch name : Salamitactix
Spanish name : Cuadrix
Italian name : Centotredix
Portugese name : Narigudix

Running around Gaul to win the gastronomic bet they made with Overanxius, Asterix and Obelix have all the Roman garrisons in the country on their tail. But danger can also come from Gaulish lowlifes, who, enticed by the promised reward for the capture of our two indomitable friends, wait in the shadows for a chance to betray them to the local centurion.

Take Unpatriotix, a scoundrel living in the forest near Divodorum (Metz). Exploiting Obelix's insatiable passion for roast boar, he draws the two Gauls to his home. Mission accomplished: he only has to slip off to inform the nearest Roman garrison in order to get the reward. But Unpatriotix makes an error in his calculations that will cost him dearly: when the Romans arrive at his den, they find only one of the two Gauls.

Worse still, the missing Gaul is Obelix, who has left to search for more boars (don't forget how insatiable he is...). Obelix's anger at the height of his treachery leaves Unpatriotix green with fear, and rids him of any further thoughts of treason!


Chef and poisoner.

Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Odalix
German name : Odalix
Dutch name : Appendix
Spanish name : Odalix
Italian name : Odalix
Portugese name : Odalix

While on a stopover in the town of Aginum (Agen) during their triumphant Tour of Gaul, Asterix and Obelix agree to stop in Uptotrix's inn to regain their strength with a hearty meal. Unfortunately for them, the odious Uptotrix, a traitor in the pay of the Romans, has seasoned his roasted wild boars with sleeping tablets sufficiently powerful to put a whole cohort to sleep!

Asterix, suspicious of the far too obsequious tone of Uptotrix, once again demonstrates his unrivalled cunning by forcing the chef to be the first to taste his own cooking. We have all heard the expression «he who sleeps forgets his hunger», and now we discover with Asterix that «he who cooks, sleeps»! Despite being less prudent than his friend, Obelix, in the meantime, is far from being sleepy and is still extremely hungry!


Belgian druid, friend of Getafix

Citizenship : Belgian

French name : Septantesix
German name : Spürnix
Dutch name : Mannekepix
Spanish name : Setentaisix
Italian name : Settantasix
Portugese name : Bruxelix

For us Gauls who hail from Armorica or Lutecia, expressions and turns of phrase used by our cousins in Belgium are a true delight, in fact we should say: «Delighted, we're sure!» And Asterix's authors, who are familiar with the habits and customs of «the bravest of all the Gaulish peoples», in the words of Caesar himself, were unable to resist this pleasure for long, because as of their third opus, they introduced the Valueaddedtax, the first Belgian to appear in the adventures of Asterix.

A mischievous druid, the kind who feeds herbs to a Roman legionary to make him bray like a donkey and leave him unable to communicate other than in completely uncontrollable «hee-haws», Valueaddedtax takes part in the Golden Menhir competition in the forest of the Carnutes, alongside his friend Getafix. Although he fails to win the trophy, which is of course awarded to the inventor of the Magic Potion, Valueaddedtax earns the respect of his peers by presenting a potion he has devised that makes the user insensitive to pain and, as he proves, allows them to remove chips from boiling oil with bare hands!

Purists will conclude from this that Valueaddedtax is a precursor, because we have to go forward 18 years, to the book Asterix in Belgium, to witness the spark of genius that gives Brawnix the idea of frying potatoes... Ah… when the Belgians appear in Asterix, it does your morale a bit of good



Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Abraracourcix
German name : Majestix
Dutch name : Heroïx
Spanish name : Abraracúrcix
Italian name : Abraracourcix
Portugese name : Matasétix

Being a chief really reveals what a man is made of, particularly if he is in charge of the only village in Gaul capable of standing up to the Roman legions, both past and future.

With great warriors like Asterix and Obelix at his side (especially when they have had their fill of magic potion!), you might think that Vitalstatistix has an easy time of it. You couldn’t be further from the truth! More than once, our leader has stood up to the test and has shown over and over that he’s no “half-pint chief” (even if this idea was turned into one of the best gags René Goscinny has ever served up! See page 6 in Asterix in Switzerland).

And we’re not talking about his repeatedly falling shield, or even the caustic remarks made by Impedimenta to her “Piggywiggy” when she bends his ear boasting about the success of her brother-in-law Homeopathix! We’re talking about his more heroic moments. Whether he’s winning an epic battle between village chiefs, defying the Belgians who claim to be the bravest, confronting Orthopaedix or surviving a killer remedy in Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield, Vitalstatistix has always been the first to stand up to defend the honour of his village, or that of Gaul itself.



Prefect of Tolosa (Toulouse).

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Yenapus
German name : Mitgenus
Dutch name : Meniscus
Spanish name : Telefonus
Italian name : Noncenepius
Portugese name : Acabadus 

We can't imagine a Tour de Gaule worthy of its name without a day's rest in a staging post which allows the exhausted competitors to regain their strength and make a fresh start.

Aware of the need to revive their strength, Asterix and Obelix plan a stopover during their famous culinary expedition… and manage to let themselves be captured by the Romans! Captives at will, leisurely lounging in a cart pulled by horses from the Empire, our two heroes arrive in Tolosa (Toulouse) without incident while their Roman escort exhausts themselves travelling on foot!

Once in Tolosa, the Centurion responsible for their «capture» runs to inform Adipus, Prefect of the city, promising him a little «surprise»: the most sought after dissidents of all of Gaul. What's more, here is a perfect opportunity for Adipus to get a bit of exercise (which, in his case, means to be carried around on a litter by two slaves!!...) on his way to meet the prisoners.

But for the Prefect, the final surprise is finally a totally different one, as he will only find a set of semi-conscious legionaries, knocked out by Asterix and Obelix


Stressed-out building superintendent

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Rictus
German name : Rictus
Dutch name : Lacchus
Spanish name : Rictus
Italian name : Rictus
Portugese name : Ricto 

It's a well-known fact: there is no escaping from the jails of the Circus Maximus in Rome. However, if you are an indomitable Gaul, you can drive the guards of this model prison crazy.

Take a look at Appianglorious, the zealous Legionary. Obelix's habit of breaking down doors instead of opening them sets his nerves on edge! It's true that I wouldn't want to be a building super with Obelix in the neighborhood. And then there's Sendervictorius, his buddy in charge of watching over Cacofonix, who goes out of his mind with each new refrain the bard sings.

So that's how it took only three Gauls to bring pandemonium to this ancient Alcatraz - what a circus!


Roman legionary falling ill when Goths are coming

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Pamplemus
German name : Pampelmus
Dutch name : Piccetanus
Spanish name : Naranjus
Italian name : Pamplemus
Portugese name : Pamplemus 

Arteriosclerosus and Gastroenteritus are two Roman legionaries assigned to guard the frontier between Gaul and Germania. They therefore have an administrative role which on the face of it is nice and quiet since the Roman Empire is unanimously respected, and feared, by its neighbours. «The barbarians would never dare to sully Roman territory with their dirty feet, by Jupiter,» asserts the beaming Gastroenteritus.

So much for theory and fine words. In practice we soon discover that the force of these optimistic words does not stand up for long to the shock of a less-than-idyllic reality, when Arteriosclerosus and Gastroenteritus find themselves bashed and tied up by Choleric's fearsome band of Goths on their way to the Forest of the Carnutes. And all through Asterix and the Goths we are constantly shown how crossing the border is hardly just a formality in this adventure (especially for the border guards!).

On the contrary, it is just as good a way of starting a fight as a 'fresh' fish from Lutecia on Unhygienix' stall! As a result, the Roman and Goth border guards end up getting biffed quite a lot!


Roman Legionary with an unruly moustache

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Astérus
German name : Asterus
Dutch name : Asterus
Spanish name : Asterus
Italian name : Asterus
Portugese name : Astérius

What do you do when the Roman garrisons are after you, carrying a sketch to make sure they'll recognize you? This was a tough one for Asterix and Obelix, who were faced with the situation just when they were already worried about the fate of Getafix, imprisoned by the Goths.

The best solution they could find was to pinch the Roman Legionaries uniforms of Marcus Ubiquitus and Julius Monotonus to pass incognito in their wild adventure among the Carnutes. This, apart from making Obelix laughing out loud, was the start of a chain of confusion that makes the Asterix and the Goths album a catalogue of chaos that only our favourite Gauls could pull off.

This episode inspired the directors of the live Asterix movies, since Asterus and Obelus turn up in Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar, and the police sketch of our heroes shows up in the Asterix and Obelix meet Cleopatra movie.


A beautiful Roman plant

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Bégonia
German name : Begonia
Dutch name : Begonia
Spanish name : Begonia

Begonia, the wife of a Roman citizen visiting the sunny Southern provinces of Hispania, is the «half-sister of Julius Caesar’s cousin by marriage» – suffice it to say, she is, of course, to have everything she asks for!

She thus sits alongside the General of the City at the anticipated execution of a traitor (Spurius Brontosaurus) and an outlaw (Asterix) at the Circus of Hispalis.

Here, Begonia plays a part in the invention of what is known today as the noble sport of bullfighting. When she accidentally drops her gorgeous red cape, Asterix uses it to calm the wild bull about to attack him. Begonia is thrilled and cannot wait to tell all her friends back in Rome about her exciting adventure....


Daddy's boy

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Brutus
German name : Brutus
Dutch name : Brutus
Spanish name : Brutus
Portugese name : Brutus 

The famous French dictionary the Petit Larousse has a section on the most well-know Latin sayings, and is known to be the main source of the imperishable quotes used by the authors throughout the Asterix albums.

One of these in particular is a running gag. I am of course referring to the famous «Et tu, Brute!» an exclamation attributed to Jules Caesar expressing his anger when he spots Marcus Junius Brutus, his adoptive son, amongst his assassins. There are ample premonitory allusions in Asterix to this oh so dramatic event, for example, in Asterix and the Soothsayer Brutus can be seen playing with a dagger while a fortune-teller explains to Caesar that he has nothing to fear while he has his adoptive son nearby!

Albert Uderzo gives the character a very different twist in Asterix and Son - previously he was an unimportant figure in the shadow of his father the Emperor but in this album he becomes a threatening character, prepared to do anything to stave off the threat presented by his young rival Caesarion, the son of Caesar and Cleopatra.

To do so he goes as far as burning the Gaulish village, which results in Caesar himself discovering his treachery, provoking the imperial rage. And that's how the adventures of Asterix teach us what the Petit Larousse doesn't: how Brutus ended up wanting to kill Caesar. Asterix as the great historian!


A donkey legionary

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Faitexcus
German name : Fidibus
Dutch name : Excuustruüs
Spanish name : Pideperdonus
Italian name : Chiediscus
Portugese name : Papalvus

Imagine a perfectly aligned battalion of Roman legionaries, standing straight as trees and holding their carefully sharpened pilum. Now, add a complete fool, with a half-witted smile, drawn by Albert Uderzo slightly out of line with this neat regiment, as if to show how long it took his superior's command to reach his brain and for him to understand the order to stop.

This idiot is Cadaverus! An here he is, in the finest Roman tradition, designated as a «volunteer» by his decurion to serve as a guinea pig for Valueaddedtax and Getafix, who must prove that they are real druids in order to obtain permission to travel to the forest of the Carnutes, where the Order of Druids is holding its prestigious annual meeting.

Cadaverus follows orders, and chews some of the herbs prepared by Valueaddedtax, the Belgian druid. The result is astonishing, because poor Cadaverus suddenly starts braying! This comes as a bit of a surprise, although not to his decurion, who declares «it hasn't made that much difference»!

Caius Fatuous

Producer of burlesque shows, in spite of himself.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Caius Obtus
German name : Gaius Obtus
Dutch name : Gaius Vullus
Spanish name : Cayo Obtusus
Italian name : Caius Obtus
Portugese name : Caio Obtuso

Caius Fatuous, the most important lanista (gladiator trainer) in all of Rome, is more than a little pig-headed. When he decides to make Asterix and Obelix the stars of the Games he is preparing for Caesar's circus, he sets the entire city after them and motivates the would-be kidnappers by promising an absolutely exorbitant reward.

But our heroes hardly even notice all the commotion surrounding them and the Roman helmets start piling up in Obelix's arms without his even batting an eyelid. Fortunately for Caius Fatuous, Asterix and Obelix decide for themselves to become gladiators in order to save Cacofonix. Envisioning a magnificent show, Caius Fatuous finally hands our two heroes over to the rough-riding gladiator trainer Insalubrius.

This is, however, only the beginning of Caius Fatuous' problems as these unusual new gladiators transform the cruel Roman Circus into a burlesque vaudeville resembling our more modern circuses, and leave Caius Fatuous, that lover of fine, exotic foods, to finish his career as the sole rower of Ekonomikrisis' galley, with his only encouragement being the inspired singing of Cacofonix! Sic transit gloria mundi…

Caius Flebitus

Legionary in the Compendium camp. Sentry.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Caius Marchéopus
German name : Gaius Barfus
Dutch name : Gaius Nogalwidus
Spanish name : Caius Capitopus
Italian name : Caius Marcheopus
Portugese name : Caius Feiradaladracapus

Caius Flebitus, Julius Pompus, Gracchus Sextilius and Claudius Quintilius are four legionaries in the Compendium camp and are thus confronted with the harsh reality of having the Gauls as neighbours.

When creating these characters, the authors made a point of illustrating the horrors of life as a Roman conscript. Even if their roles are minor, they bear witness to the terror inspired by our indomitable heroes on a daily basis. For example, instead of celebrating his victory the one time Asterix is just begging to surrender, Caius Flebitus calls the whole camp to his rescue.

It must be said that our little Gaul, who takes on Romans four at a time (and even then he has an unfair advantage!), is seriously starting to get on their nerves.

Caligula Minus

Roman legionary disguised as a Gaul to infiltrate the village

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Caligula Minus
German name : Caligula Minus
Dutch name : Caligula Mincucelus
Spanish name : Caligula Minus
Italian name : Caligola Minus
Portugese name : Calígula Minus

In contemporary Britain, now known as England, espionage activities are run by the Intelligence Service. Back in 50 BC, according to the authors of Asterix, even if the Romans did indeed understand the importance of espionage, they didn't bother using intelligence to ferret out the secret behind the extraordinary strength of the Gauls living in Asterix's village. Indeed, Caligula Minus, who was assigned to the daunting task of infiltrating the Gaul village (using the name Caliguliminix!) is anything but clever. He doesn't even understand the orders he receives from the centurion, Crismus Bonus! But, by becoming the first Roman to learn of the magic potion concocted by Getafix, Minus plays a crucial role. This simpleton nonchalantly gives the authors a chance to introduce the essential elements of the Asterix universe, thereby setting the stage for the future adventures. For example, this first album teaches us to watch out for music in the Asterix stories, and not just the music of Cacofonix. The reason Caligula Minus was chosen from the legionaries at the Compendium camp, who were terrified of approaching the Gauls, was because he lost at a game of musical chairs. And Asterix proceeds to unmask him in the middle of a dance, too! Honestly, isn't this information new proof of our intelligence? Service!


Roman legionary disguised as a Gaul to infiltrate the village

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Caliguliminix
German name : Caliguliminix
Dutch name : Calimincucelix
Spanish name : Caliguliminix

In contemporary Britain, now known as England, espionage activities are run by the Intelligence Service. Back in 50 BC, according to the authors of Asterix, even if the Romans did indeed understand the importance of espionage, they didn't bother using intelligence to ferret out the secret behind the extraordinary strength of the Gauls living in Asterix's village. Indeed, Caligula Minus, who was assigned to the daunting task of infiltrating the Gaul village (using the name Caliguliminix!) is anything but clever. He doesn't even understand the orders he receives from the centurion, Crismus Bonus! But, by becoming the first Roman to learn of the magic potion concocted by Getafix, Minus plays a crucial role. This simpleton nonchalantly gives the authors a chance to introduce the essential elements of the Asterix universe, thereby setting the stage for the future adventures. For example, this first album teaches us to watch out for music in the Asterix stories, and not just the music of Cacofonix. The reason Caligula Minus was chosen from the legionaries at the Compendium camp, who were terrified of approaching the Gauls, was because he lost at a game of musical chairs. And Asterix proceeds to unmask him in the middle of a dance, too! Honestly, isn't this information new proof of our intelligence? Service!


Ill tempered Roman general

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Nenpeuplus
German name : Strategus
Dutch name : Noppus
Spanish name : Merluzius
Italian name : Nientepopodipius
Portugese name : Nenpeuplus

When we see him in tears, sobbing, «They're all quite thick and I'm their leader,» when talking about his men, it is quite clear that the unhappy General Cantankerus befits his name. But this is one leader who is a credit to his masters in Rome.

Cantankerus commands his troops with a firm hand but also knows how to motivate them in other ways, promising the most deserving of them seats at the Circus. He magnanimously keeps his word when the supposedly most deserving legionaries blunder yet again, even guaranteeing them seats in the best possible position to see the show: in the arena with the lions! Cantankerus is also a creative fellow, using methods ahead of his time to aid in the capture of Asterix and Obelix by having a drawing of our heroes sent to all the camps in the region.

But with Goths who are really Gauls but disguised as Romans and other Romans left tied up in their underwear and mistaken for barbarians, his patience runs out and he sinks into deep despair on seeing his men bashing each other because they are all equally convinced that they have finally caught the notorious barbarians disguised as Romans who are none other than Asterix and Obelix!

Claudius Omnibus

Tour Guide for Lutetian Nights

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Claudius Métrobus
German name : Claudius Metrobus
Dutch name : Claudius Metrobus
Spanish name : Claudius Metrobus
Italian name : Claudius Metrobus
Portugese name : Claudius Metrobus

Claudius Omnibus is a guide who receives his clients in a hut resembling a Gaulish Tourist Office. He offers package tours at the unbeatable rate of three sestertii, including all the beer you can drink, where you will discover the lights and delights of nights in Lutetia!

But it will take more than that to distract our heroes from their mission. Scorning these festive propositions, Asterix and Obelix settle for extracting the information that they want from Claudius Omnibus: a dolmen that may be the one used by Navishtrix for his illicit trafficking.

Historians get lost in conjecture about whether it was the woods that later became the Bois de Boulogne. Moreover, it is apparently the only dolmen in all of Lutetia, which doesn't fail to surprise Obelix, who isn't too impressed by the nightlife that Omnibus has to offer.

A few panels later, Asterix and Obelix meet up with a small dog, who takes an interest in our favourite menhir delivery-man. Who knows what could have happened if this Lutetian canine had decided to follow our heroes, in the manner of Dogmatix later on in Asterix and the Banquet?

Claudius Quintilius

Legionary in the Compendium camp. Sentry.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Claudius Quintilius
German name : Carolus Stachus
Dutch name : Claudius Quintilius
Spanish name : Claudius Quintilius
Italian name : Claudius Quintilius
Portugese name : Claudius Qunitilius

Caius Flebitus, Julius Pompus, Gracchus Sextilius and Claudius Quintilius are four legionaries in the Compendium camp and are thus confronted with the harsh reality of having the Gauls as neighbours.

When creating these characters, the authors made a point of illustrating the horrors of life as a Roman conscript. Even if their roles are minor, they bear witness to the terror inspired by our indomitable heroes on a daily basis. For example, instead of celebrating his victory the one time Asterix is just begging to surrender, Caius Flebitus calls the whole camp to his rescue.

It must be said that our little Gaul, who takes on Romans four at a time (and even then he has an unfair advantage!), is seriously starting to get on their nerves.


A legionary looking for trouble.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Sciencinfus
German name : Studicus
Dutch name : Janjurcus
Spanish name : Cienciainfus

New to the region, Courtingdisastus is full of hope. Eaten up with ambition, he is only one from his garrison to volunteer to serve in Corsica and seems willing to take on each of the local clans all by himself.

He soon attracts the attention of the Praetor Perfidius, who promotes him to the rank of patrol leader and sends him and his troops to search for the Corsican rebel leader Boneywasawarriorwayayix.

It is in Boneywasawarriorwayayix’s home town that Courtingdisastus has the fright of his life. Carferrix, who does not “like people speaking to [his] sister” Chipolata, stares suspiciously at him before finally pulling out his knife, screaming....

Terrified, Courtingdisastus heads to the hills, never to be heard from again....

Crismus Bonus

Centurion who was just a hair's breath from discovering the secret of the magic potion.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Caius Bonus
German name : Gaius Bonus
Dutch name : Gaius Bonus
Spanish name : Caius Bonus
Italian name : Caius Bonus
Portugese name : Caius Bonus

Crismus Bonus is the first Centurion to appear in Asterix's world. He allows the authors to lay the foundations for their humorous take on Roman hierarchical organisation. Authoritarian (using one «volunteer» after another from among his legionaries to carry out his basest plots) and cruel (Asterix and Getafix barely survive a merciless - but hilarious - torture episode), Crismus Bonus is also extremely ambitious, as he works his way through a long list of officers hoping to take the place of Caesar.

Our Gauls, however, put short shift to his plans with their «fruitful» ideas, and made him become completely hair-brained (thanks to a hair potion from the druid which proves to be particularly spectacular). Caesar himself tidies up matters by exiling the vagabond to lower Mongolia: «Join in, they said…».

Felix Platypus

Cunning strategist puzzled by the complicated plans of Tortuous Convolvulus

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Caius Aérobus
German name : Caius Aerobus
Dutch name : Caius Aerobus
Spanish name : Caius Aerobus
Italian name : Caius Aerobus
Portugese name : Caius Aeróbus

Despite his dislike for the infamous Tortuous Convolvulus, Felix Platypus, the centurion in charge of the Roman camp of Aquarium in Asterix and the Roman Agent, has to bow to Convolvulus’ methods in order to bring the Gaulish village into step. In fact, Platypus wonders about the effectiveness of his acolyte’s crafty stratagems, which he considers as the “devious ways of civilians”, whereas he much prefers the “honourable battles, the clash of arms, the call of the clarion”.

But as his legionaries look favourably on this “psychological warfare” (could this be a forerunner to “surgical strikes”?), which is a particular forte of the brilliant Magnumopus, the shenanigans planned for the Gaulish village also run rampant in the Roman camp, where Felix Platypus has trouble making himself heard.

As Albert Uderzo has given the features of French actor Lino Ventura to Felix Platypus, René Goscinny takes advantage of his repeated angry outbursts to write hilarious, lyrical flights of fancy, as though the perspective of putting words in the mouth of an actor accustomed to the dialogues of Michel Audiard had increased his inspiration tenfold. René Goscinny would later confirm his interest in cinema by writing the screenplay and dialogues for the film “Le Viager”, directed by his friend Pierre Tchernia.


A legionary lost in the streets of Lugdunum (Lyons)

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Quelquilfus
German name : Possiamus
Dutch name : Clerus
Spanish name : Federicus
Italian name : Qualefus
Portugese name : Fulanus

Who am I? Where am I going? That's roughly the state of mind of the legionaries led into the maze streets in Lyons by Asterix, Obelix and Jellibabix. In fact, following the example of ambitious Prefect Poisonus Fungus (obsessed by capturing the famous Gauls), a whole Roman garrison wanders around the maze to the point where they can no longer tell their head from their feet.

A perfect opportunity for the Asterix authors to give another lesson in the art of comics: In one drawing, the words and picture demonstrate the Roman's confusion and show how lost they are. We see Romans who do not know where they are, we hear others who claim to know where they are, but who are in fact so lost that we can't see them anymore. It's not surprising, given the situation, that Fibrositus (the Roman legionary whose French name Quelquifus or «'Whats-his-name» leads you to believe he must look like an ordinary Joe) did not even have the right to have a face drawn by Albert Uderzo.

He remains the symbol of lost Romans, subjected to a disorder entirely foreign to the sovereign order that they try to impose on these «crazy» Gauls. Having entered Lugdunum as proud legionaries, they get so caught up there that they lose that glorious identity and become mere Whats-his-names. Sic transit gloria mundi! [How fleeting is the glory of this world].


Head of Roman patrol searching for Asterix and Obelix

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Petilarus
German name : Petilarus
Dutch name : Vandalus
Spanish name : Pelatus
Italian name : Petilarus
Portugese name : Petilarus

The Asterix and the Banquet album offers Asterix and Obelix a number of interesting adventures. There are of course a number of Gauls whose dedicated support for their cause goes straight to their hearts but the country roads are also teeming with Romans determined to stop our heroes from winning their bet.

Often, they stick around just long enough to receive a good punch in the nose. Such is the case of Nervus Illnus, whose breakdowns chariot is stolen by Asterix and Obelix as they dash towards Camaracum (Cambrai) and its famous humbugs. Other Romans, however, are more tenacious and put up a good fight before succumbing.

Like Spongefingus who, after having been «helped» by our Gauls as they use him to help get them past the roadblock set up by Fishfingus, is left along the side of the road. Unrelenting, Spongefingus tracks our heroes to Durocortorum (Rheims) where he puts on a show as fearsome as a creature from «The Shining» and threatens to put his pilum in their sternum. (You'll note René Goscinny's talent at bringing a «dead» language back to life!). Asterix quickly calms this hothead by uncorking a bottle of Durocortorum wine (otherwise known as Champagne) in his face.


Legionary getting ill with worry when barbarians are walking along the border

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Pardessus
German name : Appelmus
Dutch name : Overjassus
Spanish name : Delachinus
Italian name : Soprabitus
Portugese name : Pardessus

Arteriosclerosus and Gastroenteritus are two Roman legionaries assigned to guard the frontier between Gaul and Germania. They therefore have an administrative role which on the face of it is nice and quiet since the Roman Empire is unanimously respected, and feared, by its neighbours. «The barbarians would never dare to sully Roman territory with their dirty feet, by Jupiter,» asserts the beaming Gastroenteritus.

So much for theory and fine words. In practice we soon discover that the force of these optimistic words does not stand up for long to the shock of a less-than-idyllic reality, when Arteriosclerosus and Gastroenteritus find themselves bashed and tied up by Choleric's fearsome band of Goths on their way to the Forest of the Carnutes. And all through Asterix and the Goths we are constantly shown how crossing the border is hardly just a formality in this adventure (especially for the border guards!).

On the contrary, it is just as good a way of starting a fight as a 'fresh' fish from Lutecia on Unhygienix' stall! As a result, the Roman and Goth border guards end up getting biffed quite a lot!

Gluteus Maximus

Rising Star

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Claudius Cornedurus
German name : Gladius Musculus
Dutch name : Tullius Torsus
Spanish name : Claudius Mulus
Portugese name : Claudius Cornusdurus

The Roman Army maintains the cult of excellence. Legionaries are duty-bound to be the best trained, the strongest, the most disciplined. So you can imagine how proud Gluteus Maximus is when he is selected to represent Rome at the Olympic Games.

“I am the best!” he exclaims. Yes, but… An encounter in the forest with Gauls brimming with magic potion soon makes him forget his dreams of grandeur! Gluteus feels like a “loser” and starts vigorously sweeping the Aquarium camp instead of practicing his sport.

A good sport, Asterix finally decides to hand over his winner’s laurels and Gluteus Maximus ends up being named centurion by Caesar. And so, for once: Gloria victis, or glory to the vanquished.


Slumbering Roman Centurion.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Quintilius
German name : Quintilius
Dutch name : Messenvorcus
Spanish name : Quintilius
Italian name : Quintilius
Portugese name : Quintilius

For Asterix and Obelix, facing up to a whole Roman legion is child's play, a game they never tire of. Yet when our two heroes find themselves in Camaracum (Cambrai), intent on finding this town's famous speciality, mint sweets better known as «Humbugs», it's the Roman centurion Goldenslumbus who falls into a second childhood.

Determined to lock up our two indomitable friends, Goldenslumbus calls for a gobstopper (dixit Obelix) and finishes by falling sound asleep, knocked out, as he should be, whilst a soft voice gently sings a local lullaby «Sleep Little Roman, do not cry!» And in an instant our imposing and vehement Roman centurion is as harmless as a baby!

Gracchus Armisurplus

Mummy's little soldier

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Gracchus Nenjetépus
German name : Gracchus Nenjetepus
Dutch name : Gracchus Grutjus
Spanish name : Graco Linus
Italian name : Gracchus Nontelopus
Portugese name : Graco Nenjeteplus

Gracchus Armisurplus, Centurion in charge of the Compendium camp, is regularly the victim of his superiors, who give him orders for which he and his men invariably suffer the cruel consequences…

When Odius Asparagus, the Prefect of Gaul in Asterix the Gladiator, forces him to kidnap an Indomitable Gaul (Cacofonix as it turns out), the furious Gauls vent their anger on the unfortunate legionnaires of his camp. Meanwhile, the real mastermind behind the kidnapping, safe from harm, struts about with the noisy trophy that he intends to offer to Caesar, who is less than delighted with his gift! And once again, in Asterix and the Banquet, the Gauls take their anger out on Armisurplus when Inspector General Overanxious forces him to bring the Gaulish village into line and subject them to Roman law once and for all (which in practice translates into a great time for the Gauls, with typical Gaulish clouts and thumps!).

Poor old Armisurplus, once valiant, courageous and willing, as he says, to fight to the death, calls out to his mummy for help as our heroes approach…

Gracchus Sextilius

Legionary in the Compendium camp. Sentry.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Gracchus Sextilius
German name : Gracchus Torschus
Dutch name : Gracchus Sextilius
Spanish name : Gracus Sextilius
Italian name : Gracchius Sectiulius
Portugese name : Gracchus Sextilius

Caius Flebitus, Julius Pompus, Gracchus Sextilius and Claudius Quintilius are four legionaries in the Compendium camp and are thus confronted with the harsh reality of having the Gauls as neighbours.

When creating these characters, the authors made a point of illustrating the horrors of life as a Roman conscript. Even if their roles are minor, they bear witness to the terror inspired by our indomitable heroes on a daily basis. For example, instead of celebrating his victory the one time Asterix is just begging to surrender, Caius Flebitus calls the whole camp to his rescue.

It must be said that our little Gaul, who takes on Romans four at a time (and even then he has an unfair advantage!), is seriously starting to get on their nerves.


A birthday gift for Obelix

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Absolumentexclus
German name : Absolutus
Dutch name : Absolutus
Spanish name : Nihablarum
Italian name : Absolumentexclus
Portugese name : Absolumentexclus

As his name implies, Ignoramus has all the finesse and flexibility of Rome at the height of its triumph. Triumph? Really? Well, let’s say that at the beginning of Obelix and Co., his intentions are good. Ignoramus takes over the Totorum camp that his predecessor, the centurion Scrofulus, had allowed to run down. Things have gotten so out-of-hand that we even see caricatures of Pierre Tchernia, René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo apparently soused on wine and barely able to stay on their feet!

Ignoramus seems capable of setting this pathetic situation straight (Albert Uderzo managed to render him perfectly terrifying, with plenty of low-angle views) but when presented along with his brand new legion of Roman soldiers as a birthday gift to a deliriously happy Obelix, our hero quickly gives up any dreams of glory.

In fact, Ignoramus stands for the Roman power of the olden days, a brash and domineering legionnaire, filled with a warrior’s wisdom, which makes him the perfect counterpart for Caius Preposterus, who makes a last-ditch effort, in the same album, to conquer our indomitable heroes by using economics and everyday marketing ruses. Really, there’s no one quite like Asterix to illustrate the conflict between the old-fashioned and the modern!


Gladiator trainer converted back to lacemaking.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Briseradius
German name : Briseradius
Dutch name : Ignoramus
Spanish name : Bestiarius
Italian name : Perdigiornus
Portugese name : Briseradio

Caius Fatuous, the lanista (gladiator trainer), puts Insalubrius in charge of turning Asterix and Obelix into stars of the Roman Circus games.

A big, toothless bear of a man who never goes anywhere without his whip, Insalubrius is a mountain of muscles who strikes terror in the hearts of all aspiring gladiators by employing methods which make Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket look like an affectionate babysitter…

Our indomitable Gauls are unphased however and Insalubrius, surprised by our Gauls' talents during training, finds himself flying inadvertently through the air.

Disheartened, he decides to return to work in the family lace factory! His pupils are delighted as the trident-fighting sessions are replaced with harmless party games and charades! Asterix and Obelix turn the Gladiator Academy into a Gaulish-style game show!

Julius Caesar

Commentator on the Gallic War and grand purveyor of timeless sayings

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Jules César
German name : Julius Cäsar
Dutch name : Julius Caesar
Spanish name : Julio César
Italian name : Giulio Cesare
Portugese name : Júlio César

The creators of Asterix have made Julius Caesar an exceptional character, taking care not to caricaturise this historical notable whose “Comments on the Gallic War” has been a major source of inspiration for them.

Just observing the statuesque figure that Albert Uderzo often gives him is enough to show you how much the authors of Asterix respect him. And even though he is irate and authoritarian, Julius Caesar is not depicted as a merciless dictator, but as someone who is capable of acknowledging the Gauls when they occasionally help him out of a bind. Even though most great sagas require a major villain in order to reveal the true hero, we have none of that here.

Instead, Caesar symbolises our irreverence of imperialism. The more Caesar shows his strength and intelligence, the more our heroes grow up by resisting him. That is surely the explanation for the fact that René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo have always ridiculed his troops and henchmen, but never the person of the Emperor himself, who continues to be an enemy you can be proud of.

Indeed, Caesar is the worthy adversary who enables our indomitable heroes to stay noble, no matter how low they sink in their battle tactics. That never stops him from hatching the wildest schemes to finally subjugate our favourite. In fact he believes that he already has, offering the “crazy Gauls’ village” as a gift to the drunken legionnaire Tremensdelirius in Asterix and Caesar's Gift!

But no matter how ingenious they are, his plans crumble one by one: economic weapons in Obelix and Co., the pernicious tactics of Tortuous Convolvulus in Asterix and the Roman Agent, the “civilized” housing designed by Squareonthehypothenus in The Mansions of the Gods, and so on.

Even worse, Asterix and Obelix continue to ridicule him by snatching his crown of laurels, or effortlessly completing the Twelve Tasks he has devised for them. It’s no wonder that he sometimes loses his temper and yells at anyone who has the misfortune of arousing his anger, as he violently did with Redbeard in Asterix in Belgium.

Julius Monotonus

Barbarian Legionary

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Julius Humérus
German name : Julius Bazillus
Dutch name : Julius Bolus
Spanish name : Julius Humerus

Marcus Ubiquitus and Julius Monotonus, legionaries of the third cohort, are not the type to stand around twiddling their thumbs. On the contrary, they tackle problems head on, and this time they decide to search for two frightening Goths who are wandering with impunity around the Roman territory.

But when it turns out that the two «barbarians» in question are none other than Asterix and Obelix, it is obvious that Monotonus and Ubiquitus have got the wrong end of the stick. And indeed, not content with giving them a deserved trouncing, Asterix and Obelix take possession of their uniforms to become Asterus and Obelus, so as to pass behind Roman lines unhindered.

Worst of all, Ubiquitus and Monotonus are then captured by two other legionaries (who are convinced that they have captured the Goths) and are forced, wrists and ankles bound and wearing only their rather tasteless underpants, to prove to their superiors that barbarians they are not! Join in, they said…

Julius Pompus

Legionary in the Compendium camp. Sentry.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Julius Pompilius
German name : Julius Pompilius
Dutch name : Julius Malus
Spanish name : Julius Pompilius
Italian name : Julius Pompilius
Portugese name : Julius Pompilius

Caius Flebitus, Julius Pompus, Gracchus Sextilius and Claudius Quintilius are four legionaries in the Compendium camp and are thus confronted with the harsh reality of having the Gauls as neighbours.

When creating these characters, the authors made a point of illustrating the horrors of life as a Roman conscript. Even if their roles are minor, they bear witness to the terror inspired by our indomitable heroes on a daily basis. For example, instead of celebrating his victory the one time Asterix is just begging to surrender, Caius Flebitus calls the whole camp to his rescue.

It must be said that our little Gaul, who takes on Romans four at a time (and even then he has an unfair advantage!), is seriously starting to get on their nerves.


Prize Psychologist

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Savancosinus
German name : Taubenus
Dutch name : Savancosinus
Spanish name : Monosabius

“You have all the necessary qualities to participate in the first offensive of psychological warfare”, claims mischief maker Tortuous Convolvulus. To judge by his “gorilla-like face and tiny pig’s eyes”, as René Goscinny put it, this prediction was far from certain….

But “psychological warfare” as referred to by Tortuous Convolvulus requires first and foremost a powerful man, talented in wielding a club. And that is the one thing in which Magnumopus actually excels!

Oblivious to any military strategy, Magnumopus plows forward, swinging his club and eliminating all adversaries. It’s enough to frighten our Gauls who begin to wonder if the Romans have gotten their hands on the secret magic potion!

Marcus Ginantonicus

A hunk of a legionary.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Marcus Sacapus
German name : Marcus Ecus
Dutch name : Marcus Gribus
Spanish name : Marcus Sacapus
Italian name : Marcus Sacapus
Portugese name : Marcus Sacapus

Marcus Ginandtonicus has a real dog’s life! As the right hand man to the Centurion Crismus Bonus in Asterix the Gaul, he suffers all kinds of insults and is on the receiving end of all the thrashings. Responsible for having Caligulaminix penetrate our favourite village disguised as a Gaul, he receives a very warm welcome from Asterix and Obelix! Later on, it is Caligula Minus, upon his return to the camp of Compendium, who tests (successfully!) the effects of the magic potion on him.

Add to this a stone thrown by Crismus Bonus which hits him on the foot, and Asterix who pulls on his endless beard (Getafix’s potions never cease to amaze us…) and sends him spinning in the air, only to come back to earth with a bump, and Ginandtonicus finishes by being completely at bay.

Marcus Ubiquitus

Barbarian Legionary

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Marcus Cubitus
German name : Marcus Konfus
Dutch name : Marcus Decubitus
Spanish name : Marcus Cubitus

Marcus Ubiquitus and Julius Monotonus, legionaries of the third cohort, are not the type to stand around twiddling their thumbs. On the contrary, they tackle problems head on, and this time they decide to search for two frightening Goths who are wandering with impunity around the Roman territory.

But when it turns out that the two «barbarians» in question are none other than Asterix and Obelix, it is obvious that Monotonus and Ubiquitus have got the wrong end of the stick. And indeed, not content with giving them a deserved trouncing, Asterix and Obelix take possession of their uniforms to become Asterus and Obelus, so as to pass behind Roman lines unhindered.

Worst of all, Ubiquitus and Monotonus are then captured by two other legionaries (who are convinced that they have captured the Goths) and are forced, wrists and ankles bound and wearing only their rather tasteless underpants, to prove to their superiors that barbarians they are not! Join in, they said…


Roman general famous for voicing his opinions.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Motus
German name : Motus
Dutch name : Luiwammus
Spanish name : Motus
Italian name : Nutus
Portugese name : Motus

A great orator who uses his talents to harangue the crowds, General Motus, commander of the Burdigala (Bordeaux) garrison, finally has a splendid opportunity to demonstrate the power of Rome: he manages to capture Asterix and Obelix, indomitable Gaulish outlaws who amuse themselves by making fun of Roman garrisons in the four corners of Gaul.

But his prisoners are, in fact, none other than Villanus and Unscrupulus, Roman brigands who nicked our heroes' bag of victuals, and then more or less matched their description («a little man and a big fat man carrying a bag»). What makes things worse is that our real Gaulish friends turn up in the middle of the celebration of their «capture», and settle their scores with the whole garrison, while remembering to retrieve the culinary specialities they had collected during their trip.

One battle later, and poor Motus, who had voiced his opinion amid a blaze of publicity, wants to hear nothing more about anything, especially not about the Gauls!

Nefarius Purpus

Centurion at his wits end.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Hotelterminus
German name : Hotelterminus
Dutch name : Hotelterminus
Spanish name : Hotelterminus
Portugese name : Caius Desembarcus

On secondment as head to the 1st legion, 3rd cohort, 2nd manipule, 1st century, Nefarius Purpus has been put through the mill with his new recruits, including an Egyptian who thinks the army is a holiday village, a Greek obsessed with renegotiating his pay and two Indomitable Gauls determined to do exactly as they please!

Asterix and Obelix, newly inducted as legionaries in an effort to free Falbala’s fiancé Tragicomix, take charge of operations with this dissipated legion and unexpectedly win a victory for Caesar against Scipio’s armies, thereby putting an end to Nefarius Purpus’s problems!

Nervus Illnus

Breakdown man

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Tikedbus
German name : Omnibus
Dutch name : Terminus
Spanish name : Tikedbus
Portugese name : Safadus

The Asterix and the Banquet album offers Asterix and Obelix a number of interesting adventures. There are of course a number of Gauls whose dedicated support for their cause goes straight to their hearts but the country roads are also teeming with Romans determined to stop our heroes from winning their bet.

Often, they stick around just long enough to receive a good punch in the nose. Such is the case of Nervus Illnus, whose breakdowns chariot is stolen by Asterix and Obelix as they dash towards Camaracum (Cambrai) and its famous humbugs. Other Romans, however, are more tenacious and put up a good fight before succumbing.

Like Spongefingus who, after having been «helped» by our Gauls as they use him to help get them past the roadblock set up by Fishfingus, is left along the side of the road. Unrelenting, Spongefingus tracks our heroes to Durocortorum (Rheims) where he puts on a show as fearsome as a creature from «The Shining» and threatens to put his pilum in their sternum. (You'll note René Goscinny's talent at bringing a «dead» language back to life!). Asterix quickly calms this hothead by uncorking a bottle of Durocortorum wine (otherwise known as Champagne) in his face.


A Roman Legionary with an unruly moustache

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Obélus
German name : Obelus
Dutch name : Obelus
Spanish name : Obelus
Italian name : Obelus
Portugese name : Obélius

What do you do when the Roman garrisons are after you, carrying a sketch to make sure they'll recognize you? This was a tough one for Asterix and Obelix, who were faced with the situation just when they were already worried about the fate of Getafix, imprisoned by the Goths.

The best solution they could find was to pinch the Roman Legionaries uniforms of Marcus Ubiquitus and Julius Monotonus to pass incognito in their wild adventure among the Carnutes. This, apart from making Obelix laughing out loud, was the start of a chain of confusion that makes the Asterix and the Goths album a catalogue of chaos that only our favourite Gauls could pull off.

This episode inspired the directors of the live Asterix movies, since Asterus and Obelus turn up in Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar, and the police sketch of our heroes shows up in the Asterix and Obelix meet Cleopatra movie.

Odius Asparagus

Prefect of the Gauls.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Caligula Alavacomgetepus
German name : Caligula Alavacomgetepus
Dutch name : Caligula Biboppus
Spanish name : Calígula Pocospelus
Italian name : Caligula Vacomevien
Portugese name : Caligula Alavacongetepus

Caricature of Georges Fronval, leading specialist on Westerns, who one day managed to get John Wayne, Albert Uderzo's idol, to visit the offices of the magazine Pilote. Unfortunately, the Asterix artist was absent that day….

When you travel around on a litter carried by four slaves, you have all the time in the world to come up with the craziest ideas. Odius Asparagus is an ace at this and he finally decides that the perfect gift for him to offer Caesar in his role as Prefect of the Gauls is… one of the indomitable Gauls! Now, there's a gift whose rarity and fighting spirit make it a much more valuable present than a commonplace memo tablet to carve down one’s appointments that Caesar would not even deign to use. Such a gift would surely make the emperor consider the giver in a positive light!

Apparently, however, not all the best laid plans lead to Rome: our dear Jules, more than slightly upset when confronted with the talents of Cacofonix (our bard is finally the Gaul captured by the Prefect - it is, after all is said and done, much easier to kidnap him than … let's say… Obelix!) sees only one way to really enjoy this highly original gift: he intends to feed the bard to the Circus lions! It is, at the very least, the one opportunity the bard will ever have to practice his art in front of a large, enthusiastic audience! Until he starts warming up his voice, that is….


Roman General appointed by Caesar to stop the construction of the Palace designed by Edifis.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Chorus
German name : Chorus
Dutch name : Hebbus
Spanish name : Corus

A merciless Roman General, forever furious, his face red with insatiable fury, Operachorus only feels in his element at the heart of battle, when given a chance to display Rome's power and bring a few indomitable to his boot. It's no surprise under these conditions that Caesar entrusts him with the mission to compromise the construction of Edifis' palace for Cleopatra.

Operachorus goes to great length to lower the sights of the Queen of Queen's architect: threats of all kinds, «the tortoise» military manoeuvre, an attack on two fronts defended by our two Gauls under siege, bombarding with a catapult…

Not satisfied with simply slowing down the palace construction, he orchestrates its destruction! Until Asterix tells Cleopatra about Caesar and his poor loser trickery, and backed up by Egyptian fanfare, she rushes «hurrying out of the palace at once, not even stopping to change» and puts an end to this destructive game. And now it's Operachorus' turn, as a mere legionary, to face the fury of an Emperor even more authoritarian than himself…


Caesar's special correspondent, forced out by Asterix

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Lucius Fleurdelotus
German name : Lucius Nichtsalsverdrus
Dutch name : Lucius Finessus
Spanish name : Lucilius Flordelotus
Italian name : Lucius Fiordilotus
Portugese name : Lucius Flordelotus

Inspector General Overanxious, on a special mission from Julius Caesar, is not someone easily impressed by the Gauls, no matter how indomitable they are! Rallying the terrified legionaries from the Compendium camp who, up until now, preferred the sick lists rather than to go fighting (even if it's a «bitter pilum»!), Overanxius leads a courageous assault against the Gaulish Village.

Not too surprisingly, this act of bravado finishes in a real free-for-all. Not to be discouraged, Overanxius changes tactics and has a stockade built around the Village, declaring a siege. Beside himself with rage, Asterix explains that Gaul is his country and he bets that he can tour the entire land without getting caught by the Roman legions.

He returns triumphant from the tour with proof of his exploits in the form of culinary specialities from each of the major Gaul cities he visited. At the final banquet, Asterix insists on being the one to offer Overanxius the real speciality of the Village: an uppercut!

Poisonus Fungus

Prefect of Lugdunum and precursor of Tom Thumb

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Encorutilfaluquejelesus
German name : Unnutzus
Dutch name : Judascus
Spanish name : Encorutilfaluquejelesus
Italian name : Selavessisaputus
Portugese name : Façanhudus

The Roman troops installed in Gaul are in turmoil, the instructions are clear: two dissident Gauls must be stopped at any price! It has to be said that once again Asterix and Obelix do an excellent job…

Strolling with impunity between the four corners of Gaul, they ridicule the power of Rome by buckling down to win the legendary bet that they made with inspector general Overanxius. Passionately supported by the Gaulish population, they are also showered with attention by the most prestigious Roman dignitaries, motivated by the reward promised by Caesar for capturing the two Indomitables.

Such is the case of Poisonus Fungus, the powerful prefect of the town of Lugdunum, who already pictures himself rising to dizzying heights of power. And when the Gaul Jellibabix offers to take him to our heroes, it certainly seems like luck has come knocking at his door. Unfortunately for him, Jellibabix is actually the head of the town's resistance movement and, rather than picking up the trail of the Gauls, he contrives to lose an entire legion of Romans in the labyrinth of Lugdunum's alleys, thereby allowing Asterix and Obelix to cross the town without any obstacles.

Wily Poisonus Fungus thinks he's found the answer: armed with pebbles to scatter along his path, he plays an early Tom Thumb to keep track of his route. But he should have known… not all his legionaries are as canny as him! In fact, one of them pays his boss the kindness of gathering up everything he has «lost»… Fortunately for them, the «ogre» of the Adventures of Asterix prefers to eat boar, and is already speeding towards Nicae with his inseparable friend Asterix!


Young lion from the gladiator school turned gentle as a lamb

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Lupus
German name : Lupus
Dutch name : Lupus
Spanish name : Lupus
Italian name : Lupus
Portugese name : Lupus

When Porpus («Lupus» in the original French album, which is the Latin for «wolf») is first mentioned, it's unclear which is this gladiator with an unflattering reputation (he's «a beast», laugh his comrades). But knowing the strokes of inspiration of Asterix's masters, it's easy to see that our very «beast» Porpus is no other than the Roman we see playing leapfrog with another gladiator! (In French, playing leapfrog is «jouer à saute-mouton», which literally means «jumping over sheeps game». So the wolf has turned into a lamb!)

A real lesson in the art of comic books (a media today recognised as an art in and of itself, know to aficionados the «9th art»), where the relation between text and image (so particular to this media) is skilfully used to make it understood that thanks to Asterix and Obelix, terrible gladiators, once as frightening as bloodthirsty wolves, are now as inoffensive as children at play!


Romantic Roman

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Faimoiducuscus
German name : Gaudeamus
Dutch name : Parvenus
Spanish name : Federicus
Italian name : Fammilcuscus
Portugese name : Saisdefrutus

Radius is a caring Roman: as a wedding anniversary present, he gives his wife Ulna a romantic cruise to take them gently to Lutetia, the city of light. It's an idyllic setting... except that there's nothing gentle about it: Asterix and Obelix, in a hurry to reach Lutetia in order to complete the legendary culinary bet made with Overanxius, transform the two lovers' ship into a speedboat propelled at top speed by Obelix, a truly avant-garde outboard fuelled by magic potion!

Ulna, who had warmly welcomed our Indomitable Gauls, is quite distressed by the whole affair! As for Asterix and Obelix, it's just as well they got a move on: it's in Lutetia that they'll meet a little white dog, as yet anonymous, who soon proves to be dogmatic in his desire to follow our two heroes!

Raucus Hallelujachorus

A centurion taken at his word.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Fercorus
German name : Hohlenus
Dutch name : Fercorus
Spanish name : Amorfus

For Raucus Hallelujachorus, centurion at the Totorum camp in Asterix in Spain, negotiating with the Gauls is a real ordeal.

But when Asterix and Obelix steal his young Iberian hostage Pepe away from him, he has no other choice than to go to the village of those crazy Gauls to recover his precious prisoner.

Knowing tact to be of the essence when dealing with the Gauls, he decides to make a discreet visit, tiptoeing quietly into the village at naptime.

But he’s out of luck: when Spurius Brontosaurus tactlessly hollers “Attack!”, triggering a counter-attack that gives the Gauls the last word in this negotiation.


Prison guard who doesn't get along with Cacofonix too well

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Ziguépus
German name : Zigepus
Dutch name : Belbus
Spanish name : Autobus
Italian name : Zighepus
Portugese name : Zigepo

It's a well-known fact: there is no escaping from the jails of the Circus Maximus in Rome. However, if you are an indomitable Gaul, you can drive the guards of this model prison crazy.

Take a look at Appianglorious, the zealous Legionary. Obelix's habit of breaking down doors instead of opening them sets his nerves on edge! It's true that I wouldn't want to be a building super with Obelix in the neighborhood. And then there's Sendervictorius, his buddy in charge of watching over Cacofonix, who goes out of his mind with each new refrain the bard sings.

So that's how it took only three Gauls to bring pandemonium to this ancient Alcatraz - what a circus!


Roman Legionary

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Milexcus
German name : Excus
Dutch name : Plusminus
Spanish name : Milexcus
Italian name : Millescus
Portugese name : Distraidus

The Asterix and the Banquet album offers Asterix and Obelix a number of interesting adventures. There are of course a number of Gauls whose dedicated support for their cause goes straight to their hearts but the country roads are also teeming with Romans determined to stop our heroes from winning their bet.

Often, they stick around just long enough to receive a good punch in the nose. Such is the case of Nervus Illnus, whose breakdowns chariot is stolen by Asterix and Obelix as they dash towards Camaracum (Cambrai) and its famous humbugs. Other Romans, however, are more tenacious and put up a good fight before succumbing.

Like Spongefingus who, after having been «helped» by our Gauls as they use him to help get them past the roadblock set up by Fishfingus, is left along the side of the road. Unrelenting, Spongefingus tracks our heroes to Durocortorum (Rheims) where he puts on a show as fearsome as a creature from «The Shining» and threatens to put his pilum in their sternum. (You'll note René Goscinny's talent at bringing a «dead» language back to life!). Asterix quickly calms this hothead by uncorking a bottle of Durocortorum wine (otherwise known as Champagne) in his face.


Young and brilliant architect unfortunately bitten on the backside by Dogmatix.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Anglaigus
German name : Quadratus
Dutch name : Campus
Spanish name : Anguloagudus
Italian name : Angolacutus
Portugese name : Anglobtusus

With the first appearance of Squareonthehypothenus in the album The Mansion of the Gods, we discover a shy young man with the brightest of futures ahead of him. Caesar himself has just entrusted this architect with an important project: to build a group of dwellings to house the Romans near Asterix’s village, thus forcing our indomitable Gauls to accept Roman civilisation.

But some things you cannot learn at school, and the learned calculations of our young architect are of little help when confronted with Getafix’s magic and slaves suddenly vehemently interested in workers’ rights (to such a point that the Roman legionaries themselves begin negotiating their pay and midnight permits).

What is worse, as Squareonthehypothenus strives to smooth things over, he becomes more and more authoritarian and less and less civilised! The last straw is when Cacofonix’s mellow melodies convince the recently arrived Romans that the Gauls, whom they seek to conquer at all costs, are fiendishly invasive themselves.


Roman soldier beaten to a pulp by Mintjulep

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Pacotéalargus
German name : Grobianus
Dutch name : Cassius
Spanish name : Paquetelargus

Laughter is the special gift of man… and Superfluous! The only words that ever pass the lips of this muscle-bound hulk assigned to the personal protection of Julius Caesar, are «hi hi hi» (which gives quite a clue to his character).

In the event, everything takes place in three steps when Mintjulep, the Egyptian spy in the pay of Caesar, makes him do a two-step to prove that he has taken some magic potion on the construction site managed by Edifis.

At first, Superfluous, feeling sure of himself, approaches the slight figure of Ginfis, and laughs in anticipation of the clout he's going to give him.

Then, after receiving a devastating punch from the Egyptian, he flies up into the air along with a series of dialogue balloons and his «hi hi hi» following behind. That's what you can call bursting out laughing!

Finally, when they take him to hospital, his constant «hi hi hi» seem to appear like the stars whirling round him, his mind more than a little knocked sideways by the overpowering punch landed by Caesar's spy. Isn't it crazy, the genius that the Goscinny / Uderzo duo manages to portray with just three drawings and some onomatopoeia?

Surplus Dairiprodus

The Prefect of Lutece keeps boredom at bay by munching on chicken and trading in golden sickles

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Gracchus Pleindastus
German name : Gracchus Überdrus
Dutch name : Gracchus Hommelus
Spanish name : Gracus Astutus
Italian name : Gracchus Piendastus
Portugese name : Gracchus Pleindastus

Getting in trouble as a way to stave off boredom could well have been the motto of Surplus Dairiprodus, Prefect of Lutece in the album Asterix and the Golden Sickle.

This unusual character, who Albert Uderzo imbued with the features of American actor Charles Laughton (famous for playing Roman statesmen in films such as Cecil B. DeMille's Sign of the Cross or Spartacus by Stanley Kubrick), only begins to show the merest hint of a smile when it becomes clear that the trade in golden sickles (that he has masterminded) may in fact earn him a place as a galley slave or have him served up as dinner to the lions in the circus! The rest of the time, he tries in vain to keep tedium at bay while stuffing his face with food, all the while maintaining a countenance of the most abject world-weariness imaginable as he languishes on a sofa strewn with cushions.

There can be no doubt that the portrait painted of this high-placed Roman official is deliberately calculated to show an irreverent view of the grandeur of Rome! The authors thereby drive home one of the pillars of the Asterix philosophy: the conflict between the Gauls and the Romans is to symbolize the triumph of indomitable joie de vivre over imperial gloominess!

Tullius Octopus

Legionary Circus fan

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Tullius Octopus
German name : Tullius Octopus
Dutch name : Tullius Octopus
Spanish name : Tullius Octopus
Italian name : Tullius Octopus
Portugese name : Tullius Octopus

In the camp of Compendium, the Romans try to outdo one another in incompetence! Crismus Bonus, made to look ridiculous by Asterix and Getafix, was on tenterhooks before being cast into exile in outer Mongolia by Caesar himself, Caligula Minus meanwhile was discredited after having once again proved his legendary stupidity, Marcus Ginantonicus saw his enthusiasm rewarded with a bevy of slaps from all quarters…

To regain a little prestige for this thoroughly humiliated troop of soldiers, it was necessary to find a legionary who was pure of heart, successful and formidable. The writers at Asterix clunked heads and finally chose Tullius Octopus! A mountain of muscle at the orders of his superior, Tullius Octopus is a deserving soldier: give him a mission and you'll soon see him return confident of a job well done. He was thus able to capture Getafix in the Gaul forest and followed this up by being the only soldier capable of laying his hands on strawberries out of season, just what a mocking Getafix was demanding in order to concoct some magic potion.

With every success, his Centurion Crismus Bonus rewards him by granting him permission to go to Rome to see all the fun of the circus. This in turn presents us with the opportunity of seeing him deliriously happy, joyfully attending a show that, in those days, was not in fact graced by many clowns… It's his very naivety that saves him.

When the druids Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny direct their scathing, irreverent gags at the glaring stupidity of the self-proclaimed Empires, they always spare those individuals who, in that brutish world, manage to keep an innocent world view. Quod erat demonstrandum!


A Roman all at sea

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Flavia
German name : Flavia
Dutch name : Flavia
Spanish name : Flavia
Italian name : Flavia
Portugese name : Flavia

Radius is a caring Roman: as a wedding anniversary present, he gives his wife Ulna a romantic cruise to take them gently to Lutetia, the city of light. It's an idyllic setting... except that there's nothing gentle about it: Asterix and Obelix, in a hurry to reach Lutetia in order to complete the legendary culinary bet made with Overanxius, transform the two lovers' ship into a speedboat propelled at top speed by Obelix, a truly avant-garde outboard fuelled by magic potion!

Ulna, who had warmly welcomed our Indomitable Gauls, is quite distressed by the whole affair! As for Asterix and Obelix, it's just as well they got a move on: it's in Lutetia that they'll meet a little white dog, as yet anonymous, who soon proves to be dogmatic in his desire to follow our two heroes!


Roman brigand mistaken for Obelix by General Motus.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Radius
German name : Cosinus
Dutch name : Solarus
Spanish name : Radius
Italian name : Radius
Portugese name : Radius

Villanus and Unscrupulus, a pair of Roman brigands wandering the paths of Gaul have come across some easy prey: two Gauls who have nodded off at the side of the road, leaving an imposing bag of provisions unguarded. Talk about taking candy from a baby…

Except that the bag in question belongs to Asterix and Obelix and is for this reason being sought by every Roman garrison in the land! And as if that weren't bad enough, this pair of hoodlums match the admittedly fairly rough description issued to all of the legionaries stationed in Gaul: «a little man and a big fat man carrying a bag.» It goes without saying that Obelix is sure to appreciate this comment when he hears of it…

Meanwhile, Villanus and Unscrupulus are duly captured and exhibited in the main square of Burdigala (Bordeaux) by a General Motus, hungry for revenge and determined to make an example of the pair he is convinced is Asterix and Obelix.

However, our real Gauls turn up slap-bang in the middle of their 'capture' celebrations and settle their account with the entire garrison, not forgetting in the process to recover the culinary specialities they had brought back from their journey. In the wake of the battle, Villanus and Unscrupulus are released by Motus, desperate that the whole sorry episode be forgotten…


Roman brigand mistaken for Asterix by General Motus.

Citizenship : Roman

French name : Plexus
German name : Sinus
Dutch name : Plexus
Spanish name : Plexus
Italian name : Plessus
Portugese name : Plexus

Villanus and Unscrupulus, a pair of Roman brigands wandering the paths of Gaul have come across some easy prey: two Gauls who have nodded off at the side of the road, leaving an imposing bag of provisions unguarded. Talk about taking candy from a baby…

Except that the bag in question belongs to Asterix and Obelix and is for this reason being sought by every Roman garrison in the land! And as if that weren't bad enough, this pair of hoodlums match the admittedly fairly rough description issued to all of the legionaries stationed in Gaul: «a little man and a big fat man carrying a bag.» It goes without saying that Obelix is sure to appreciate this comment when he hears of it…

Meanwhile, Villanus and Unscrupulus are duly captured and exhibited in the main square of Burdigala (Bordeaux) by a General Motus, hungry for revenge and determined to make an example of the pair he is convinced is Asterix and Obelix.

However, our real Gauls turn up slap-bang in the middle of their 'capture' celebrations and settle their account with the entire garrison, not forgetting in the process to recover the culinary specialities they had brought back from their journey. In the wake of the battle, Villanus and Unscrupulus are released by Motus, desperate that the whole sorry episode be forgotten…



Asterix´s first cousin from Brittany, shaken up by Obelix.

Citizenship : Breton

French name : Jolitorax
German name : Teefax
Dutch name : Flegmatix
Spanish name : Buentorax
Italian name : Beltorax
Portugese name : Jolitorax

We already know Metallurgix, Obelix’s cousin from Asterix and the Golden Sickle and now Asterix in Britain gives us a chance to meet Anticlimax, Asterix’s first cousin once removed.

A classy dresser (his tailor is rich), who exhibits remarkable phlegm and keeps a stiff upper lip at all times, Anticlimax is hooked on cups of hot water (with a splash of milk) and is the perfect guide to the ways and customs of the (Great)-Britons as described by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. They don’t miss a trick: the Tower of Londinium, bards who look like the Liverpuldian Fab Four, gardens worthy of the Centre Court at Wimbledon, rugby (very popular with Obelix who is considerably less keen however on the boiled wild boar and lukewarm beer consumed by the native Brits).

All these elements make Asterix in Britain one of Albert Uderzo’s favourites among the albums written by his friend René Goscinny. He particularly appreciates the flash of genius of transforming the Briton’s speech using English turns of expression. I say, enough to make one rub one’s hands with glee, what?


Egyptian architect who wants to thwart the work of Edifis

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Amonbofis
German name : Pyradonis
Dutch name : Plurkis
Spanish name : Paletabis
Italian name : Stocafis
Portugese name : Lindomeninis

Inspired by Joseph Mankiewicz’s film “Cleopatra”, it is only logical that, when writing Asterix and Cleopatra, René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo should include a real “bad guy”, someone worthy of the dastardly foes of James Bond.

Complete with terrifying grimaces and the sly pleasure he takes in dreaming up devious stratagems (with each underhanded scheme he exclaims “I’ve got it! It’s a piece of cake”, with a gruesome smile on his lips), Artifis fills the bill perfectly! He brims with ideas to make life difficult for his rival, the architect Edifis, to whom Cleopatra has entrusted the most prestigious building project ever - a sumptuous palace to be constructed in honour of Julius Caesar in just three months.

Enter Artifis, and the stage is set to thwart this ambitious project: he urges the workers to revolt, plots to delay the arrival of stone, locks our heroes in a pyramid, offers a poisoned cake to Cleopatra on behalf of the Gauls, to name just a few. It’s tough on Edifis, but what a treat for us readers! In fact, you have to wonder whether there isn’t material here for another great film…


A sensitive Barbarian

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Pasdfric
German name : Symmetrik
Dutch name : Elastik
Spanish name : Sindinéric
Italian name : Pasdipassero
Portugese name : Pasdfric

Together, Prehistoric, Atmospheric, Tartaric and Esoteric form the vicious barbarian escort of the Goth chief, Choleric. They won't hesitate to beat, tie up, kidnap or fight anyone who stands in their way!

Its not surprising, therefore, that the Supreme Chief of the Goths, Metric, has entrusted them with this villainous mission: to capture Getafix, elected best druid by his peers at the annual meeting held in the forest of the Carnutes. Their aim: to snatch the magic potion for the greater glory of the «Visigoths, the Ostrogoths and any other sort of Goths»! They'll do anything to succeed and are afraid of nothing: having smacked about and tied up a couple of Roman legionaries posted on the border, they bundle Getafix unceremoniously into a sack that is most unbecoming of his position as a druid, in order to take him back to Germania. However, when the Romans cross the path of these thugs, all they do is ask whether these «good men» might have seen Asterix and Obelix, who they think are genuine barbarians!

Confusion reigns: the Gauls are invading Gaul, the Romans are arresting other Romans, while our Gothic quintet knock out a border official who is as Gothic as they are, but who is perhaps a little too fussy about administrative procedures (he wouldn't let them bring «foreign goods», in other words, Getafix, onto German territory!). But Asterix's authors demonstrate that our German cousins from Gaulish times could also be sensitive and appreciate the best things in life, when they weren't busy fighting, that is.

Atmospheric proves the point by loudly applauding Cicatrix, the druid, when he presents his own potion, which causes beautiful flowers to grow whatever the season. It's enough to make you want to get married and have lots of little barbarians.


Clan chief, expert in explosive cheeses.

Citizenship : Corsican

French name : Ocatarinetabellatchitchix
German name : Osolemirnix
Dutch name : Ozewiezewozewiezewallakristallix (Corsica)
Spanish name : Ocatarinetabelachítchix
Italian name : Ocatarinetabelasciscix
Portugese name : Ocatarinetabellatchitchix

“Corsica is the Roman’s bugbear!” insists the proud Boneywasawarriorwayayix to Obelix, who for his part considers that the nightlife among the Romans who live next to the “village of madmen” is already fairly agitated. In an effort to get the real scoop, Asterix and Obelix set off for the Isle of Beauty on a “research trip”. And they have to admit that the Corsicans’ methods are more than a little surprising: between two naps, our heroes discover clan warfare, scrubland where entire Roman legions are lost, Corsican cheeses with an explosive flavour and wild pigs with a strong resemblance to domestic boar (when you have Obelix’s appetite at least…).

The magnificent scenery, the observation of local customs: everything is perfectly depicted in Asterix in Corsica, thanks to the reconnaissance trip made by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. It is worth noting that research trips were made only for this album and Asterix and the Black Gold. If we also consider the preface to this album, we might wonder whether our authors experienced some explosive fantasies? Whatever the case, the poignant realism recreated by our authors convinced the Corsicans themselves, who did not hesitate to turn this title into a best-seller at the shops on the Isle of Beauty.

What’s more, a number of people on the island claim to have inspired the character of Boneywasawarriorwayayix, whereas the truth of the matter is that he is a caricature of Paul Giannoli, a journalist who worked at Pilote, and has always been oblivious to his newfound fame!


Goth kidnapper of Druids

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Coudetric
German name : Rhetorik
Dutch name : Statistik
Spanish name : Mamporric
Italian name : Mangarandello
Portugese name : Coudetric

Choleric is the head Goth entrusted with the challenging mission of capturing the best Gaulish Druid in order to use (and abuse) his magic skills in order to invade Gaul and Rome. Nothing more, nothing less! Accompanied by his trusty companions, Tartaric, Atmospheric, Prehistoric and Esoteric, Choleric goes to the forest of Carnutes to attend the annual Druid gathering and capture the winner of the Golden Menhir, certified to be the best Druid of the year by his most esteemed colleagues.

And the winner is… Getafix, of course, who gets caught in an ambush and wrapped up like one of Christo's works by our five barbarians (or simply trapped in a postal bag from 50 BC, depending on the circumstances), and transported to Germany to be delivered to Metric, supreme leader of the Goths.

It sounds simple when we tell it like this, but meanwhile, we have seen Romans following in the steps of Asterix and Obelix, whom they consider to be dangerous barbarians (while they borrowed the clothes of the Roman legionaries - are you following?), violent Goth kidnappers respectfully questioned by the Romans who are searching for «barbarians» (our Gaulish heros, in fact), Roman customs officers, or Goths who only let you cross the borders over their bodies (unfortunately for them, that is usually how it ends). In short, a real treat is in store for our readers!


Queen of queens.

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Cléopâtre
German name : Kleopatra
Dutch name : Cleopatra
Spanish name : Cleopatra
Portugese name : Cleópatra

When René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo discovered the film «Cleopatra» by Joseph Mankiewicz at a cinema in Brussels in 1963, you might say they really had flair! Inspired by Liz Taylor's performance in this film fit for a Pharaoh, our two friends immediately set to work drafting what was to become one of the most accomplished characters in the Asterix universe, Queen Cleopatra herself !

And what a Cleopatra! Irascible (her vases often pay the price of her bad humour!), magnanimous (she gracefully acknowledges her mistakes and forgives our favourite Gauls after having thrown them into a dungeon following a slight misunderstanding), loyal and authoritarian, but also superbly beautiful or playfully mocking with Caesar… No doubt about it, this colourful royal character bears the stamp of great authors, whose terrific talent makes it possible to dabble in caricature without sacrificing the consistency and depth of a truly complex character.

Getafix bears witness to this when, far from seeing this Queen of Queens as a mere caricature, he can't hide his admiration for this woman with whom he would like to rub noses. She and her «Julius» form convincing mother and father figures for our resolutely turbulent Gaulish big children. In the album Asterix and Son, Albert Uderzo takes this metaphor to the limit, when Cleopatra entrusts her imperial offspring Caesarion to the care of the village of Indomitables, definitely deemed the ideal setting for a happy childhood!

Cleopatra-s taster

A disgusted taster put off by Artifis' pastry recipes.

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Le goûteur de Cléopâtre
German name : Der Vorkoster von Kleopatra
Dutch name : Het voorproever van Cleopatra
Spanish name : El catador de Cleopatra

For his first appearance in Asterix and Cleopatra in 1963, the Queen's official taster proudly wore a pale green colour, which allowed him to speculate at length on the relativity of tastes and colours…

Rather the distastes, to be precise, as our man suffered from excruciating stomach pains caused by a cake poisoned by Artifis and offered to Cleopatra on behalf of the Gauls (it should be pointed out that the cake's recipe is detailed in song by Artifis and his scribe and henchman Krukhut in the animation film Asterix and Cleopatra).

Immediately accused of attempting to kill the Queen, then imprisoned for a wrongdoing they did not commit, our Indomitables are saved from mishap thanks to an antidote concocted by Getafix, who heals our sick taster and convinces Cleopatra of the innocuousness of the cake.

Follows a series of puns on this taster so happy to quit a job so distasteful that it was poisoning his life!


Goth smacking Euphoric while being beaten by Lyric

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Casseurdebric
German name : Bartrik
Dutch name : Fanatik
Spanish name : Rompedientic
Italian name : Fracassamattoni
Portugese name : Casseurdebric

Total chaos! There is no better way to sum up Asterix and the Goths. You'd think our indomitable Gauls were seeking to export the notion of the «crazy Gauls' Village» as a way to vanquish monotony and boredom wherever they go. After all, these enemies are more formidable than all the Roman legions put together.

The height of disorder is reached during the «Asterixian Wars», in which the Goths, bursting with magic potion, all want to become a chief using methods that would later be known in Asterix and the Roman Agent as «psychological warfare» (basically consisting in knocking people out with a club). This crowd of raging Goths allows René Goscinny full rein with puns and it is here that Eccentric, Electric (promoted to General), Lyric, Satiric, Euphoric and Eccentric got mixed up in the battle.

For his part, Albert Uderzo demonstrates his exuberant talent for illustration using Gothic writing, creating a surprising map of the operations that shows the pervading disorder and by designing helmets based on a mix of ancient and modern headgear… Let's Goth!


Architect allergic to crocodiles, even sacred ones.

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Numérobis
German name : Numerobis
Dutch name : Tekenis
Spanish name : Numerobis
Portugese name : Númerobis

Edifis is «the best architect in Alexandria», which according to Cleopatra is hardly saying much… And we have to admit she's right when we look at the ramshackle structures built by Edifis and wonderfully illustrated by Albert Uderzo. These constructions - whose architecture could best be described as cubist - always seem to be on the point of caving in, making Asterix readers (happy not to call these buildings home) collapse themselves… with laughter! And yet, no one doubts that this architect, utterly devoid of any talents (the currency in use in Egypt at that time) revolutionised working practices in his profession.

Making the most of his friend Getafix's famous magic potion, he leads some notable social advances (for example, reducing the prescribed number of whip cracks needed to improve worker's productivity), and brings Egyptian art towards Modernity by abandoning the pointed forms of the Pyramid era. Better still, Edifis meets the deadline laid down by Cleopatra for building a palace for Caesar, a very rare occurrence indeed in the building trade in those days … To reward him for this success, Cleopatra covers him with gold (both figuratively and literally!). At this point, we should mention an anecdote from Alain Chabat, director of the film Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, featuring Djamel Debbouze as Edifis and which drew a record audience of 15 million in France alone.

Alain Chabat explains that this legendary scene did not make the final cut on the big screen since, after several unsuccessful attempts, they were simply unable to recreate the hilarious expression of the slave in the album, as he walks away saying «I'm coming back» when Obelix points out that Edifis is not completely covered in gold («There's still a bit sticking out here»). The film simply could not better the richness of expression of the Asterix creator's cartoons!


Model entrepreneur

Citizenship : Phoenician

French name : Epidemaïs
German name : Epidemais
Dutch name : Verramsj
Spanish name : Espigademaíz
Italian name : Grandimais
Portugese name : Epidemaïs

A Phoenician travelling merchant, Ekonomikrisis is a pioneering trader who employs the slyest rules of liberalism in the Roman Empire and remodels them to his advantage. Demonstrating great expertise in cutting-edge communication techniques, he rechristens the rowers on his commercial galley «partners», united under the aegis of a «partnership contract» drawn up in good form, in which he doesn't neglect to reserve the posts of Chairman and Managing Director for himself.

The terms may have changed, but this new breed of MD with unquestioned managerial authority ill disguises the fact that he's exploiting his men in the form of good, old-fashioned slavery: it has to be said, Ekonomikrisis created a formidable system in which everyone ends up working for his profit alone!

Even worse, if you aren't one of his «partners» and you don't row for him, watch out: Ekonomikrisis is no doubt already dreaming of selling you as a slave, just to get something out of your journey on his boat! We note that before the strike of the «volunteer» slaves in Asterix and Cleopatra and the union struggles of The Mansion of the Gods, the authors of Asterix developed a decidedly singular vision of the world of work! Later, in Asterix and the Black Gold, Albert Uderzo completes the portrait of this eccentric merchant with an innovative decision: Ekonomikrisis calls his rowers «holiday-makers» on a package tour, of which he is of course the tour operator! He's not called Ekonomikrisis for nothing!


Goth General ready to sweep away everything in his path

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Electric
German name : Elektrik
Dutch name : Elektrik
Spanish name : Eléctric
Italian name : Elettrico
Portugese name : Electric

Total chaos! There is no better way to sum up Asterix and the Goths. You'd think our indomitable Gauls were seeking to export the notion of the «crazy Gauls' Village» as a way to vanquish monotony and boredom wherever they go. After all, these enemies are more formidable than all the Roman legions put together.

The height of disorder is reached during the «Asterixian Wars», in which the Goths, bursting with magic potion, all want to become a chief using methods that would later be known in Asterix and the Roman Agent as «psychological warfare» (basically consisting in knocking people out with a club). This crowd of raging Goths allows René Goscinny full rein with puns and it is here that Eccentric, Electric (promoted to General), Lyric, Satiric, Euphoric and Eccentric got mixed up in the battle.

For his part, Albert Uderzo demonstrates his exuberant talent for illustration using Gothic writing, creating a surprising map of the operations that shows the pervading disorder and by designing helmets based on a mix of ancient and modern headgear… Let's Goth!


Apprentice Pirate

Citizenship : Pirate

French name : Erix
German name : Erix
Dutch name : Erix
Spanish name : Eric
Italian name : Erix
Portugese name : Erix

Erix is living proof that it takes more than a spot of nepotism to become a successful pirate. As son of pirate chief Redbeard, everything was set up for him to be on the receiving end of regular abuse from Asterix and Obelix, just like his father and his acolytes!

However, after a unique sinking, commented upon, of course, by the experienced Latinist Pegleg, Erix no longer appeared in the Asterix albums. Even worse: his father saw fit to leave him as a guarantee to buy another ship, which, of course, was soon to sink under Gaulish attacks in Asterix and Cleopatra. Why did Erix no longer participate in the numerous familial disappointments? Did he suffer from incurable sea sickness? Was he allergic to Gaulish slaps?

Finally Albert Uderzo himself gave us the reason for his brutal disappearance: quite simply, Erix «wasn't very funny»! Hence the idea, perhaps, to leave him as a guarantee for a new boat. Because, it has to be said, the trials and tribulations of our favourite pirates have always made us laugh!

You just have to think back to the hilarious collection of pirate-ship bows drawn by Albert Uderzo, in the book Le Livre d'Astérix le Gaulois, to be convinced of it!


A strange Goth

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Périféric
German name : Periferik
Dutch name : Periferik
Spanish name : Periféric
Italian name : Periferico
Portugese name : Periféric

Together, Prehistoric, Atmospheric, Tartaric and Esoteric form the vicious barbarian escort of the Goth chief, Choleric. They won't hesitate to beat, tie up, kidnap or fight anyone who stands in their way!

Its not surprising, therefore, that the Supreme Chief of the Goths, Metric, has entrusted them with this villainous mission: to capture Getafix, elected best druid by his peers at the annual meeting held in the forest of the Carnutes. Their aim: to snatch the magic potion for the greater glory of the «Visigoths, the Ostrogoths and any other sort of Goths»! They'll do anything to succeed and are afraid of nothing: having smacked about and tied up a couple of Roman legionaries posted on the border, they bundle Getafix unceremoniously into a sack that is most unbecoming of his position as a druid, in order to take him back to Germania. However, when the Romans cross the path of these thugs, all they do is ask whether these «good men» might have seen Asterix and Obelix, who they think are genuine barbarians!

Confusion reigns: the Gauls are invading Gaul, the Romans are arresting other Romans, while our Gothic quintet knock out a border official who is as Gothic as they are, but who is perhaps a little too fussy about administrative procedures (he wouldn't let them bring «foreign goods», in other words, Getafix, onto German territory!). But Asterix's authors demonstrate that our German cousins from Gaulish times could also be sensitive and appreciate the best things in life, when they weren't busy fighting, that is.

Atmospheric proves the point by loudly applauding Cicatrix, the druid, when he presents his own potion, which causes beautiful flowers to grow whatever the season. It's enough to make you want to get married and have lots of little barbarians.


Chief of a Goth faction

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Passmoilcric
German name : Mickerik
Dutch name : Republik
Spanish name : Abolladic
Italian name : Passemelerico
Portugese name : Passmoileric

Total chaos! There is no better way to sum up Asterix and the Goths. You'd think our indomitable Gauls were seeking to export the notion of the «crazy Gauls' Village» as a way to vanquish monotony and boredom wherever they go. After all, these enemies are more formidable than all the Roman legions put together.

The height of disorder is reached during the «Asterixian Wars», in which the Goths, bursting with magic potion, all want to become a chief using methods that would later be known in Asterix and the Roman Agent as «psychological warfare» (basically consisting in knocking people out with a club). This crowd of raging Goths allows René Goscinny full rein with puns and it is here that Eccentric, Electric (promoted to General), Lyric, Satiric, Euphoric and Eccentric got mixed up in the battle.

For his part, Albert Uderzo demonstrates his exuberant talent for illustration using Gothic writing, creating a surprising map of the operations that shows the pervading disorder and by designing helmets based on a mix of ancient and modern headgear… Let's Goth!


Scribe, sitting pretty, even when squatting

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Misenplis
German name : Sekretaris
Dutch name : Aapnootmis
Spanish name : Milapis

Whereas Krukhut, the vile scribe of the infamous Artifis, watches his mop of hair grow without stopping (to the point where he resembles Sheila, the 1960s French singer), we never see hide nor hair on another scribe known as Exlibris, who helps Edifis in his task.

This cautious scribe, so attentive to spelling mistakes and with a great respect for «modern» languages like Latin, Greek and Celtic, writes hieroglyphs as others draw (in fact, the position of scribe appears to be the ideal profession combining the talents of Uderzo and Goscinny!), carefully composes the message that Asterix and Dogmatix carry to Cleopatra, thereby saving the palace from destruction. Phew ! Thank you Exlibris ! Saved by a hair…


Norman making a whole with Secondhaf

Citizenship : Norman

French name : Dactilograf
German name : Telegraf
Dutch name : Rechtsaf
Spanish name : Dactilograf

Mountains of muscle with a sinister look, Firsthaf and Secondhaf are inseparable. On order of their chief Timandahaf, they lead the « champion of fear » Justforkix to the runway.

Timandahaf plays the control tower and authorises takeoff with « All systems go! I repat, all systems go! » Asterix shows up just in time, using one to whomp the other. We told you that the two of them were inseparable….

Huevos y Bacon

Pepe’s Papa

Citizenship : Iberian

French name : Soupalognon y Crouton
German name : Costa y Bravo
Dutch name : Paella y Peseta
Spanish name : Sopalajo de Arriérez y Torrezno
Italian name : Salsadipeperon y Monton
Portugese name : Soupalognon y Crouton

“My papa is the strongest papa in the world and that idiot Jules Caesar is afraid of my papa”: this is how Pepe describes his father to the Indomitable Gauls!

His father is the proud Huevos y Bacon, the head of a small town not far from Munda (Montilla), the only village in all of Hispania to have continued to resist the Roman invaders. Does this sound familiar?

When speaking to Caesar, Huevos y Bacon does not mince his words: “If I get my hands on you, Roman, I’ll cook you in olive oil!”

No doubt about it, the Spanish know how to go about grilling their enemies!


The Danish at Bay

Citizenship : Viking Dog

French name : Zøødvinsen
German name : Møpsen
Dutch name : Døgsen
Spanish name : Kampfdølvarsa

When the Vikings fall for a dog, it is of course a Great Dane!

Like its masters, Huntingseassen talks in a language full of Nordic typographical characters.

But whereas the Gauls don’t understand a word of the Scandinavian language, Dogmatix and Huntingseassen quickly begin exchanging friendly “woofs” and “wøøfs”.

Followed by one of the greatest fits of canine giggles of all time!


Artifis' scribe and henchman who redefines the history of hairstyling

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Tournevis
German name : Schraubzieris
Dutch name : Kissebis
Spanish name : Tornavis

Working for the notorious Artifis can only make a person evil. Such is the case for the scribe Krukhut, who spends a lot more time carrying out the vile schemes of his master than he does carrying out admin by «drawing» letters on his papyrus.

Tasked with slowing the construction of the palace that Edifis is building for Cleopatra, Krukhut takes no half-measures as he organises the disappearance of the rocks that the Queen's architect is so impatiently waiting for, and then goes as far as to lock up our Gauls in the pyramid. So satisfied is he with his work, he then swears that he will not shave his head should the Gauls, by any chance, escape from this trap. He doesn't though count on Dogmatix, whose sense of smell guides our heroes out of the labyrinth of corridors inside the pyramid.

Consequently, our henchman has to grow his hair, and becomes a model in the kingdom of the Pharaohs for hairstyles going beyond even those of the Beatles or the Stones at the height of the 60s! The Queen's subjects soon start sporting this avant-garde revolutionary look and leave Roman fashion looking rather ancient! Cleopatra, in her anxiousness to prove to Caesar that her people remain a great nation, capable of making history whilst remaining at the vanguard of modernity, couldn't have asked for anything more…


Goth who betrayed Rhetoric before being betrayed by his brother-in-law Satiric

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Liric
German name : Lyrik
Dutch name : Heilgymnastik
Spanish name : Liric
Italian name : Lirico
Portugese name : Liric

Total chaos! There is no better way to sum up Asterix and the Goths. You'd think our indomitable Gauls were seeking to export the notion of the «crazy Gauls' Village» as a way to vanquish monotony and boredom wherever they go. After all, these enemies are more formidable than all the Roman legions put together.

The height of disorder is reached during the «Asterixian Wars», in which the Goths, bursting with magic potion, all want to become a chief using methods that would later be known in Asterix and the Roman Agent as «psychological warfare» (basically consisting in knocking people out with a club). This crowd of raging Goths allows René Goscinny full rein with puns and it is here that Eccentric, Electric (promoted to General), Lyric, Satiric, Euphoric and Eccentric got mixed up in the battle.

For his part, Albert Uderzo demonstrates his exuberant talent for illustration using Gothic writing, creating a surprising map of the operations that shows the pervading disorder and by designing helmets based on a mix of ancient and modern headgear… Let's Goth!


A Supreme Chief of the Goths you can count on

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Téléféric
German name : Cholerik
Dutch name : Poliklinik
Spanish name : Teleféric
Italian name : Teleferico
Portugese name : Teleferic

Despite the heavy responsibilities he shoulders (he is in charge of the Visigoths, the Western Goths who live to the east of Gaul, not to be confused with the Eastern Goths: the Ostrogoths - Do you follow me? Ask Obelix, he'll explain!), Metric remains a modest chap, who enjoys those simple things that add a little extra spice to a successful life: tearing apart recalcitrant citizens by wild horses and chopping them up into little pieces.

Yes indeed, under his peculiar helmet (one horn pointing down, the other pointing up), Metric never lacks imagination when it comes to entertaining the population! Best of all, he's a connoisseur: he tells his «entertainment's manager» to make sure that the pieces are not cut too small so that everyone can see them! The rest of the time, he dreams of nothing more than invading Gaul and the Roman Empire, leading him to order his men to capture the best druid around so as to exploit his magic, with the ultimate aim of replacing Julius as Emperor.

Unfortunately for him, the druid in question is none other than Getafix, who uses all his cunning and his magic potion to stir up chaos and confusion in Germania. Soon, every Goth has drunk the magic concoction and wants to take over the position of chief Goth! Metric finds himself dethroned by Rhetoric, his vile interpreter, before gathering together an army and plunging his people into a series of interminable intestinal wars. Well, we did warn you: with Metric, everything is simple - as long as he keeps a measure of the situation!


Egyptian spy expert in drinking magic potions.

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Ginfis
German name : Ginfiz
Dutch name : Ginfis
Spanish name : Ginfis

In Asterix albums, the most brilliant spies regularly play the role of a chameleon, displaying absolutely remarkable camouflage skills. Along the same lines, everyone of course remembers Dubbelosix, made up as a statue taunting Julius Caesar from his pedestal, or Caligula Minus, unwillingly disguised as «Caliguliminix», responsible for discovering the existence of the magic potion from the Gaulish village.

Mintjulep, an Egyptian spy paid by Caesar, actually takes disguise to its purest form. He only has to exchange his own haute couture loincloth for that of a worker in order to escape Asterix's vigilance at Edifis' building site! Efficient and quick, he returns to fill Caesar in on the reason behind the impressive progress in Cleopatra's palace: Edifis feeds his workmen a potion which gives them superhuman strength! The sceptical emperor asks Superfluous (one muscle-bound fellow!) to reason with the presumptuous architect, who sends the legionary flying with just one blow!

From then on, Caesar sees just one possible explanation: Asterix, Obelix and Getafix can't be far away, and he has to act quickly! Espionage must now give sway to a demonstration of Rome's true power, by Jupiter!


Norman expert in clubbing

Citizenship : Norman

French name : Batdaf
German name : Dompfaf
Dutch name : Komvandatdakaf
Spanish name : Soldaf

Nescaf’s methods are no sleight of hand. Sent on reconnaissance to Gaul country by his chief Timandahaf, he finds that rare pearl – Justforkix, self-proclaimed champion of fear!

To be on the safe side, Nescaf wallops this young Gaul with a club to make sure he cannot fly away. “Not too hard” a club stroke, he says, or else they would not even be able to use Justforkix’s skull to hold water….

Olaf Timandahaf

Overtime Norman

Citizenship : Norman

French name : Olaf Grossebaf
German name : Olaf Maulaf
Dutch name : Olaf Liflaf
Spanish name : Olaf Grosenbaf
Portugese name : Àchapadaf

Olaf Timandahaf is the chief of the Norman warriors. He is an ambitious leader who wants to know everything! Searching for the secret fear that lends people wings, he sails to Gaul with his best troupes in tow. Here he meets Justforkix, winner hands-down for the title of world “champion of fear”!

It’s off to the cliffs where the Normans suppose that Justforkix, when pushed off the ledge, will have no other choice than to sprout wings and fly. Terrified, the young Lutetian is finally rescued by the bard Cacofonix, whose vocal exploits make the Normans’ blood run cold. Whew! Everyone gets off with a bad fright…


Pirate philosopher

Citizenship : Pirate

French name : Triple Patte
German name : Dreifuss
Dutch name : Driepoot
Spanish name : Patapalo
Italian name : Treppiedi
Portugese name : Três-Pernas

Loyal right-hand man of chief Redbeard, Pegleg can be recognised by his legendary wooden leg and his flowing white locks which inspire, among the pirate crew of the Asterix adventures, the respect due to experience.

This experience enables him, despite an occasional lack of interest from his comrades, to share his shrewd and learned Latin comments each time (and there have been many times!) their ship is sunk following an attack. These attacks are carried out by that eternal scourge of this galley filled to the brim with brigands and bandits - a scourge named the Gau… the Gau…!!!

Some two thousand years before the markedly less literary comments of Thierry Roland or the highly lyrical Philippe Candeloro, Pegleg entered into history by becoming the first consultant in naval disasters - a sport at which Asterix and Obelix's favourite pirates, it has to be said, are champions in every category! And although the sport is far less common nowadays, it's a shame that the stars of commentating on round and oval balls don't follow the example set by their precursor Pegleg more often, by courageously placing themselves at the very heart of the action and stringing together the most evocative of Latin sentences. But what do you expect, «O tempora, o mores»…

Pirate Lookout

Pirate lookout and percussionist

Citizenship : Pirate

French name : Baba
German name : Baba
Dutch name : Baba
Spanish name : Baba
Italian name : Babà
Portugese name : Babá

The Pirate lookout keeps watch for the fearsome (though little feared by our Indomitable crew) pirates lead by Redbeard.

Never leaving his post (although his post often leaves him during the recurring battles with Asterix and Obelix, known in pirate language by the code name «the Gau… the Gau…»), the pirate lookout never misses an opportunity to comment on the torments endured by our favourite pirates and punctuates their regular misadventures with his remarks.

It must be said that this ancient pirate crew ends up «mergitur» more often than «fluctuat», as Pegleg would say (one of the Pirate lookout's brothers-in-arms, famous for his wooden leg and his Latin quotations), and enjoys as much misfortune as it does fortune! In spite of everything, in between shipwrecks, the pirate lookout is entitled to his 15 minutes of fame: in the album Asterix and Obelix All at Sea, he reveals his percussion talents to a dumbfounded audience when, in order to quicken the pace of the rowers, judged idle by chief Redbeard, he takes his place before the drums and becomes the drummer he always dreamed of being.

It's a breathtaking performance, so much so that the rowers forget to row in order to better enjoy the show, which doesn't exactly please Redbeard! However, it's in that very album that the pirate lookout is named for the first time in an Asterix adventure (at least in original French albums, where he's called «Baba»), thereby obtaining a consecration of sorts!


An Ancient Goth

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Histéric
German name : Historik
Dutch name : Nietgoedsnik
Spanish name : Histéric
Italian name : Isterico
Portugese name : Histeric

Together, Prehistoric, Atmospheric, Tartaric and Esoteric form the vicious barbarian escort of the Goth chief, Choleric. They won't hesitate to beat, tie up, kidnap or fight anyone who stands in their way!

Its not surprising, therefore, that the Supreme Chief of the Goths, Metric, has entrusted them with this villainous mission: to capture Getafix, elected best druid by his peers at the annual meeting held in the forest of the Carnutes. Their aim: to snatch the magic potion for the greater glory of the «Visigoths, the Ostrogoths and any other sort of Goths»! They'll do anything to succeed and are afraid of nothing: having smacked about and tied up a couple of Roman legionaries posted on the border, they bundle Getafix unceremoniously into a sack that is most unbecoming of his position as a druid, in order to take him back to Germania. However, when the Romans cross the path of these thugs, all they do is ask whether these «good men» might have seen Asterix and Obelix, who they think are genuine barbarians!

Confusion reigns: the Gauls are invading Gaul, the Romans are arresting other Romans, while our Gothic quintet knock out a border official who is as Gothic as they are, but who is perhaps a little too fussy about administrative procedures (he wouldn't let them bring «foreign goods», in other words, Getafix, onto German territory!). But Asterix's authors demonstrate that our German cousins from Gaulish times could also be sensitive and appreciate the best things in life, when they weren't busy fighting, that is.

Atmospheric proves the point by loudly applauding Cicatrix, the druid, when he presents his own potion, which causes beautiful flowers to grow whatever the season. It's enough to make you want to get married and have lots of little barbarians.


Egyptian on the fly

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Courdeténis
German name : Tennisplatzis
Dutch name : Tennis
Spanish name : Campodetenis
Portugese name : Cortedeténis

Enrolled in the Roman legion due to a misunderstanding in Asterix the Legionary, Ptenisnet confuses a Roman camp with a holiday camp....

Luckily for him, Asterix and Obelix take their role as camp counsellors to heart so that Ptenisnet ends up revisiting the charm of his years as a youth in the army!


Genial organiser of pleasure cruises.

Citizenship : Pirate

French name : Barbe Rouge
German name : Der Rote Korsar
Dutch name : Roodbaard
Spanish name : Barbarroja
Portugese name : Barba Vermelha

A cruise always implies long periods of free time, especially those that took place in 50 B.C. If you wonder what was done with that time, you can be sure that René and Albert had no trouble coming up with ideas. In keeping with the usual crew of merrymakers from the Asterix world that we know and love, they entrusted our Jolly Rogers and their captain, Redbeard, with the role of masters of revelry.

Their mission is to provide entertainment to the enjoyment of all travellers (Romans, Normans, and, of course, Gauls)! Pirates to massacre, what a treat! Well, caricatures of pirates, because Redbeard’s crew is none other than that created by Jean-Michel Charlier and Victor Hubinon for their cartoon strip “Le Démon des Caraïbes”, which was published in Pilote, just like Asterix.

Transformed by the feverish imagination of Goscinny and Uderzo, these fearsome Pirates are little more than punching balls, reduced to working as innkeepers or galley slaves to compensate for the lack of any loot that would pay for a new boat! And even if they finally get the chance to get their hands on Chief Whosemoralsarelastix’s sesterces in Asterix and the Cauldron, they spend the rest of their lives undergoing all kinds of trials and tribulations: the (regular!) destruction of their ship, running aground, scuttling, etc. In other words, a series of thrashings that finally dumbfound even Pegleg, leaving him incapable of pronouncing any Latin saying.


Cowardly Goth interpreter who dreams of marrying and having lots of little barbarians

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Cloridric
German name : Holperik
Dutch name : Drumstik
Spanish name : Clorhidric
Italian name : Cloridrico
Portugese name : Cloridric

Translating an Asterix album is always a huge challenge, given the number of quotes, allusions, puns and dual meanings liberally disseminated by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. But there are also risks involved in interpreting Asterix, Obelix and Getafix themselves: just ask Rhetoric, who has the heavy task in Asterix and the Goths of interpreting into the Gothic language the sayings of our Gauls, while avoiding offense to his master, the terrible Metric.

Rather than faithfully translating the Gauls' answers, which would be sure to arouse his chief's anger, Rhetoric transforms the Gauls' «no» into «yes» in the Gothic language, which comes across as a lot more cooperative.

Unfortunately, Getafix speaks Goth fluently (with a slight accent), and uncovers Rhetoric's lies, quickly landing him in the dungeon, waiting to be drawn and quartered («drawing and quartering is so banal, but it's always good for a laugh,» as Metric would say). But Getafix, who wants to spread chaos and confusion among the Goths, gives Rhetoric the wicked interpreter a taste of magic potion, which really sets things off and has all of the Goths seeking to replace their chief!


Lyric's brother-in-law whom he ambushes

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Satiric
German name : Satirik
Dutch name : Mensendick
Spanish name : Satirik
Italian name : Satirico
Portugese name : Satiric

Total chaos! There is no better way to sum up Asterix and the Goths. You'd think our indomitable Gauls were seeking to export the notion of the «crazy Gauls' Village» as a way to vanquish monotony and boredom wherever they go. After all, these enemies are more formidable than all the Roman legions put together.

The height of disorder is reached during the «Asterixian Wars», in which the Goths, bursting with magic potion, all want to become a chief using methods that would later be known in Asterix and the Roman Agent as «psychological warfare» (basically consisting in knocking people out with a club). This crowd of raging Goths allows René Goscinny full rein with puns and it is here that Eccentric, Electric (promoted to General), Lyric, Satiric, Euphoric and Eccentric got mixed up in the battle.

For his part, Albert Uderzo demonstrates his exuberant talent for illustration using Gothic writing, creating a surprising map of the operations that shows the pervading disorder and by designing helmets based on a mix of ancient and modern headgear… Let's Goth!


Norman making a whole with Firsthaf

Citizenship : Norman

French name : Sténograf
German name : Stenograf
Dutch name : Linksaf
Spanish name : Estenograf

Mountains of muscle with a sinister look, Firsthaf and Secondhaf are inseparable. On order of their chief Timandahaf, they lead the « champion of fear » Justforkix to the runway.

Timandahaf plays the control tower and authorises takeoff with « All systems go! I repat, all systems go! » Asterix shows up just in time, using one to whomp the other. We told you that the two of them were inseparable….


Ship Captain whose orders are given in hieroglyphics

Citizenship : Egyptian

French name : Tumehéris
German name : Abstosis
Dutch name : Businis
Spanish name : Piramídix

As Captain of the Nastiupset vessel, Sethisbackup has his work cut out taking the architect Edifis over to Gaul, who is seeking the help of his friend Getafix with the construction of a huge palace for Cleopatra in less than 3 months.

Firstly, his crew, dressed only in loincloths better suited to the Egyptian desert sun, tend to lose their energy once they are exposed to the harsh Gaulish winter whose bitingly cold temperatures make their knobbly knees knock together. Worse still, these peaceful sailors meet a pirate ship on their way home which closes on them with threatening speed.

But the sight of their Gaulish «friends» only serves to make our favourite pirates lose their cool… in a blind panic they sink their own ship, depriving a furious Obelix of his favourite pastime. And whilst all around him lose their heads, an unruffled Sethisbackup continues to give orders in hieroglyphics to his crew…


A chemical Goth

Citizenship : Goth

French name : Théoric
German name : Theorik
Dutch name : Beatnik
Spanish name : Teoric
Italian name : Teorico
Portugese name : Teodoric

Together, Prehistoric, Atmospheric, Tartaric and Esoteric form the vicious barbarian escort of the Goth chief, Choleric. They won't hesitate to beat, tie up, kidnap or fight anyone who stands in their way!

Its not surprising, therefore, that the Supreme Chief of the Goths, Metric, has entrusted them with this villainous mission: to capture Getafix, elected best druid by his peers at the annual meeting held in the forest of the Carnutes. Their aim: to snatch the magic potion for the greater glory of the «Visigoths, the Ostrogoths and any other sort of Goths»! They'll do anything to succeed and are afraid of nothing: having smacked about and tied up a couple of Roman legionaries posted on the border, they bundle Getafix unceremoniously into a sack that is most unbecoming of his position as a druid, in order to take him back to Germania. However, when the Romans cross the path of these thugs, all they do is ask whether these «good men» might have seen Asterix and Obelix, who they think are genuine barbarians!

Confusion reigns: the Gauls are invading Gaul, the Romans are arresting other Romans, while our Gothic quintet knock out a border official who is as Gothic as they are, but who is perhaps a little too fussy about administrative procedures (he wouldn't let them bring «foreign goods», in other words, Getafix, onto German territory!). But Asterix's authors demonstrate that our German cousins from Gaulish times could also be sensitive and appreciate the best things in life, when they weren't busy fighting, that is.

Atmospheric proves the point by loudly applauding Cicatrix, the druid, when he presents his own potion, which causes beautiful flowers to grow whatever the season. It's enough to make you want to get married and have lots of little barbarians.


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